Book description
Explore what Flutter has to offer, where it came from, and where it’s going. Mobile development is progressing at a fast rate and with Flutter – an open-source mobile application development SDK created by Google – you can develop applications for Android and iOS, as well as Google Fuchsia.Learn to create three apps (a personal information manager, a chat system, and a game project) that you can install on your mobile devices and use for real. You will begin by getting a solid foundation of Flutter knowledge, and building on it immediately by constructing two more traditional productivity apps.. You will also learn to create a game, enabling you to see a whole other perspective on what Flutter can do. In addition to building these apps, you'll have the benefit of reviewing real-world issues you might encounter, along with ways to deal with them through tips and tricks, all designed to make your Flutter experience that much more productive and, frankly, fun!Practical Flutter will leave you with a solid grasp of how to build apps with Flutter, and springboard into creating more advanced apps on your own. By the time your journey through this material concludes, another larger one will begin as you springboard, well-prepared, into the larger world of Flutter development, tackling any project that comes your way with aplomb. Practical Flutter is a learning adventure you won't want to miss.
What You'll Learn
- Get a Flutter project started and logically structure it
- Use the interface elements Flutter provides, such as widgets, controls, and extensions
- Build layouts using interface elements
- Use available tooling, specifically Android Studio
- Leverage server-side development and connect a Flutter app to a server back-end.
Mobile developers who are looking to build for multiple mobile platforms and trying to do so with a codebase that is largely the same across all. Basic knowledge of iOS and Android generally, and some general programming experience is expected.
Table of contents
- Cover
- Front Matter
- 1. Flutter: A Gentle Introduction
- 2. Hitting the Bullseye with Dart
- 3. Say Hello to My Little Friend: Flutter, Part I
- 4. Say Hello to My Little Friend: Flutter, Part II
- 5. FlutterBook, Part I
- 6. FlutterBook, Part II
- 7. FlutterChat, Part I: The Server
- 8. FlutterChat, Part II: The Client
- 9. FlutterHero: A Flutter Game
- Back Matter
Product information
- Title: Practical Flutter: Improve your Mobile Development with Google’s Latest Open-Source SDK
- Author(s):
- Release date: July 2019
- Publisher(s): Apress
- ISBN: 9781484249727
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