© Sri Manikanta Palakollu 2021
S. M. PalakolluPractical System Programming with Chttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6321-1_7

7. Shared Memory

Sri Manikanta Palakollu1 
freelance, Hanuman Junction, Hanuman Junction, 521105, Andhra Pradesh, India
Shared memory is a highly efficient way of sharing data between running processes or programs. It allows two or more unrelated processes to access the logical memory segment. Sharing a common piece of the memory segment is the fastest way that IPC can be achieved. This chapter covers the following topics, which include code samples.
  • Introduction to shared memory

  • The API for shared memory

  • Kernel support for shared memory

  • Implementation of shared memory

Introduction to Shared Memory

Shared memory occurs among multiple ...

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