© Juan De Dios Santos Rivera 2020
J. D. D. S. RiveraPractical TensorFlow.jshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6273-3_1

1. Welcome to TensorFlow.js

Juan De Dios Santos Rivera1 
San Juan, PR, USA

The world is on the verge of an artificial intelligence (AI) revolution. This wave of innovation, which takes the shape of data and machine learning (ML), is rapidly changing the way we create software, how industries function, and even facets of our lives. As the adoption and demand for data-based products and machine learning–powered applications increase, so do their requirements, the tools used to develop them, and the platforms where we wish to deploy them. One of these platforms is the web browser.

Although accessible, for a long time, the browser ...

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