© Juan De Dios Santos Rivera 2020
J. D. D. S. RiveraPractical TensorFlow.jshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6273-3_5

5. Making a game with PoseNet, a pose estimator model

Juan De Dios Santos Rivera1 
San Juan, PR, USA

Time for a fun application! Are you ready to pose? I hope so, because in this exercise your movements are the test dataset.

In this chapter, you will implement a game that features the model known as PoseNet. PoseNet is a neural network capable of doing real-time human pose estimation in images and videos. In this context, estimating a pose refers to the task of identifying where a person’s body joints and other parts appear in a frame. For example, Figure 5-1 is a screenshot from the app, and on the canvas located at the center, ...

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