Pragmatic Guide to Sass 3

Book description

Design websites faster than ever using Sass--the most mature and popular CSS meta-language. On any platform, integrate Sass into your project, create a reusable style guide, and use maps to drastically reduce duplication in your stylesheets. You'll see how to code the right way in Sass with short, clear examples on two-page spreads that show the explanation on one side and code examples on the other. This ultimate guide to using Sass, written by its creator, is updated and expanded with all the new features found in Sass 3.4, making you an expert in no time.

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Table of contents

  1.  Acknowledgments
  2.  Welcome!
    1. Who Is This Book For?
    2. Nomenclature and Syntax
    3. Overview
    4. How to Read This Book
    5. Getting Help
    6. A Few Final Comments
  3. Part I. Language Basics
    1. 1. Installing Sass
    2. 2. Scoping Selectors with Nesting
    3. 3. Commenting
    4. 4. Advanced Scoping
    5. 5. CSS Output Styles
    6. 6. Importing Files
    7. 7. Defining Variables
    8. 8. Keeping Code Clean with Mixins
  4. Part II. Simple Use Cases
    1. 9. Calculating a Simple Layout
    2. 10. Creating Themes with Advanced Colors
    3. 11. Resetting CSS
    4. 12. Using Media Queries
    5. 13. Organizing Your Style Sheets
  5. Part III. Advanced Mixins
    1. 14. Adding Mixin Arguments
    2. 15. Using More Mixin Argument Tricks
    3. 16. Controlling Flow with @if
    4. 17. Manipulating @content
    5. 18. Using Mixins for Cross-Browser Compatibility
  6. Part IV. Values in Sass
    1. 19. Understanding Value Types in Sass
    2. 20. Interpolating
    3. 21. Using Lists to Work with Multiple Properties
    4. 22. Looping Through Lists
    5. 23. Manipulating Lists
    6. 24. Using Maps for More Detailed Collections
    7. 25. Looping Through Maps
    8. 26. Manipulating Maps
    9. 27. Using Maps for Namespace Configuration
  7. Part V. Advanced Language Features
    1. 28. Creating Your Own Functions
    2. 29. Debugging Your Sass
    3. 30. Using & to Implement BEMUsing & to Implement BEM
    4. 31. Using @extend as a Mixin Alternative
    5. 32. Using Placeholders with @extend
    6. 33. Understanding the Dangers of @extend
    7. 34. Escaping Indentation with @root
  8. Part VI. Libraries and Frameworks
    1. 35. Fully Featured Frameworks
    2. 36. Using Grid Systems for Layout
    3. 37. Introducing Eyeglass
    4. 38. Doing Math with Eyeglass
    5. 39. Spriting with Eyeglass
  9. A1. SassScript Function Reference
  10. A2. Introduction to Haml
    1. Haml Walkthrough: ERB
    2. Haml Walkthrough: HTML

Product information

  • Title: Pragmatic Guide to Sass 3
  • Author(s): Hampton Lintorn Catlin, Michael Lintorn Catlin
  • Release date: July 2016
  • Publisher(s): Pragmatic Bookshelf
  • ISBN: 9781680501766