Pretend Play Workshop for Kids

Book description

Pretend Play Workshop for Kids offers a year of screen-free dramatic play scenarios for adults to set up and kids to engage with, featuring open-ended making and learning.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Contents
  4. Introduction
  5. How to Use This Book
  6. What Is Pretend Play and Why Is It Important?
  7. Supplies
  8. 1 Pretend Play: Detective Office
    1. Tools for Play
    2. Setting the Scene
    3. Make Your Own Pretend Briefcase and Badge
    4. Fingerprinting Activity
    5. Take a Scavenger Hunt
    6. Create Invisible Ink Messages
  9. 2 Pretend Play: Post Office
    1. Tools for Play
    2. Setting the Scene
    3. Create a Mail Carrier and Mailbox
    4. Letter-Sorting Activity
    5. Fine Motor Stamps and Stickers
    6. Make Your Own Postcard
    7. Packing Peanut Creations
  10. 3 Pretend Play: Spaceship
    1. Tools for Play
    2. Setting the Scene
    3. Make Your Own Command Center
    4. Create a Foil-Stamped Moon
    5. Decorate Moon Rocks
    6. Have Fun with Galaxy Oobleck
  11. 4 Pretend Play: Coffee Shop
    1. Tools for Play
    2. Setting the Scene
    3. Make Pretend Coffee Shop Treats
    4. Design Your Own Coffee Bags
    5. Pom-Pom Coffee Play
    6. Sensory Jar Smell Experience
  12. 5 Pretend Play: Art Museum
    1. Tools for Play
    2. Setting the Scene
    3. Curate a Collection and Create Your Own Frames
    4. Sculpt an Artifact Craft
    5. Create Monochromatic Artwork
  13. 6 Pretend Play: Laundry Time
    1. Tools for Play
    2. Setting the Scene
    3. Make a Pretend Iron
    4. Soapsuds Sensory Bin
    5. Laundry Color Sort
    6. Practice Laundry Folding
    7. Clothespin Matching Activity
  14. 7 Pretend Play: Ice Cream Shop
    1. Tools for Play
    2. Setting the Scene
    3. Make Your Own Ice Cream
    4. Make an Ice Cream Shop Hat
    5. Ice Cream Sorting Activity
  15. 8 Pretend Play: Doctor’s Office
    1. Tools For Play
    2. Setting the Scene
    3. Make Your Own Doctor’s Coat and Badge
    4. X-Ray Craft
    5. Pom-Pom Prescription Sorting Activity
    6. Fine Motor Bandage Activity
    7. Make a Pretend Cast
    8. Weight and Measuring Activity
  16. 9 Pretend Play: Hair Salon
    1. Tools For Play
    2. Setting the Scene
    3. Pretend Hair Dryer and Razor Craft
    4. Have Fun with Yarn Haircuts
    5. Build a Hair Tie Tower
    6. Shaving Cream Play
  17. 10 Pretend Play: Car Wash
    1. Tools for Play
    2. Setting the Scene
    3. Make a Pretend Car with a Cardboard Box
    4. Build a Pay Station
    5. Make a Car Wash Hose
    6. Sponge Squeezing Transfer Activity
    7. Toy Car Wash Sensory Bin
  18. 11 Pretend Play: Train Station
    1. Tools for Play
    2. Setting the Scene
    3. Build a Train Map Route
    4. Make Your Own Luggage Tags
    5. Practice Punching Tickets
    6. Make Train Whistles
    7. Gross Motor Train Track Activity
  19. 12 Pretend Play: Toy Store
    1. Tools for Play
    2. Setting the Scene
    3. Receipt Writing Activity
    4. Make a Shopping Basket
    5. Set Up a Gift-Wrapping Station
    6. Opening and Closing Time Activity
  20. Acknowledgments
  21. About the Authors
  22. Index
  23. Dedication
  24. Copyright

Product information

  • Title: Pretend Play Workshop for Kids
  • Author(s): Caitlin Kruse, Mandy Roberson, Emma Johnson
  • Release date: August 2023
  • Publisher(s): Quarry Books
  • ISBN: 9780760381984