Identification of Parametric Time-Series
Estimators of time-series models are discussed. The primary objectives are to provide the
working principles of these methods and their implementation. Concepts learnt from this
chapter are useful for disturbance (noise) modeling and estimation of spectral densities.
In Chapter 9 we studied dierent time-series models for linear stationary random processes. A
general description is given by the ARMA model (or ARIMA for integrating processes). In this
chapter, we shall learn how to estimate these models using the methods of Chapters 14 and 15.
Historically, time-series modeling precluded identification by a few decades. Furthermore recall
from our discussions on previous chapters that estimating models for identification is essentially
identical to developing a time-series model with exogenous eects. Therefore, it is natural that we
familiarize ourselves with the methods and procedures for estimation of time-series models first.
The resulting model is useful in (i) explaining the eects of disturbances (noise modeling) and (ii)
estimation of power spectral densities (recall §16.5.7).
A variety of methods are available for estimating ARMA models, almost all of which emerge
from systematically applying the techniques and estimators in Chapters 13 through 15. However,
the dierences in the properties of the AR, MA and the ARMA model structures attract dierent
estimation methods. For instance, auto-regressive models result in linear predictors; therefore, a
linear OLS method delivers the goods. On the other end, MA models are described by non-linear
predictors calling for a non-linear LS method, which is computationally more intense and results in
local optima. The linear nature of the AR predictors also attracts a few other specialized methods.
The historical nature and the applicability of this topic is such that numerous texts and survey/tu-
torial articles dedicated to this topic have been written (Box, Jenkins and Reinsel, 2008; Brockwell,
2002; Chatfield, 2004; Priestley, 1981; Shumway and Stoer, 2006). Therefore, it is neither the ob-
jective of this short chapter nor is it feasible to give an in-depth treatment of the subject. The primary
aims of this chapter are to (i) highlight the working principles of popular methods, (ii) discuss the
properties of the resulting estimators and (iii) demonstrate their implementation (in MATLAB). The
chapter begins with the estimation of AR models in §19.2 and gradually develops into the estimation
of ARMA models in §19.4. In the concluding part, we discuss the estimation of ARIMA models.
The AR estimation problem is stated as follows. Given N observations of a stationary process {v[k]},
k = 0,··· , N 1, fit an AR(P) model (recall (9.28)).
v[k] =
)v[k j] + e[k] (9.28 revisited)
One of the first methods that were developed to estimate AR models was the Yule-Walker method
based on the Yule-Walker equations (recall §9.5.2). The Y-W method belongs to the class of method

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