- 100-day plans
- 3G Capital
- 3i
- 90-day US Treasury-Bill index
- AA
- Abbey Bank
- Abbey National
- Abu Dhabi Investment Authority
- accountancy firms
- Acetex Corporation
- acquisitions, add-on
- active ownership
- Adams Street Partners
- Advent International
- advisory committee
- advisory fees 49=50
- AerFinance
- Affiliated Managers Group Inc. (AMG)
- Agusta
- AIFM Directive
- AIM Program Fund Performance
- Alamo Rent-A-Car
- Albertsons grocery chain
- Alchemy Partners
- Alexander, Sarah
- alignment of interests
- Alliance Boots
- alpha
- AlpInvest
- AlpInvest Management
- Alpinvest Partners
- Altor Equity Partners
- Alvaro Arango
- American Coach Lines
- American Express
- American Research & Development (ARD)
- amortizing debt
- AMR International
- Anderson, Gavin
- Andrews, Thomas Coleman III
- Anglo-Saxon model
- Apax Partners
- AP-Fonden 6 (Sweden)
- Apollo Management
- Apple
- arbitrage
- multiple
- passive ‘timing'
- Arcadia
- Argos Soditic
- Armstrong Transaction Services
- arrangement fees
- Asia, private equity in
- AT Kearney
- Atlas Copco Group
- ATP (Arbejdsmarkedets Tillags Pension)
- ATP-PEP-ATP Private Equity Partners.
- ATT Fiber Optics
- Austin Ventures
- Axa Private Equity
- Axix Bank
- AZ-Electronic Materials (AZ-EM)
- Baazee
- Bain & Co.
- Bain Capital
- Baker, James
- banks
- investment
- lending
- merchant
- see also under names
- Basel III
- Bawag PSK
- Bayer
- Bayside Capital
- BC Partners
- Bear Stearns
- Bell Labs
- benchmarks, comparison against
- Benedetti, Carlo de
- Bennetton
- Berkenstein, Josh
- Berkshire Hathaway
- Bersay ...
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