© Ravikanth Chaganti 2018
Ravikanth ChagantiPro PowerShell Desired State Configurationhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3483-9_1

1. Introduction to Infrastructure as Code and PowerShell DSC

Ravikanth Chaganti1 
Saideep Helicon, Bengaluru, India

> You can learn from anyone, it doesn’t matter who they are or what their experience is.

—Neil Patel (Entrepreneur)

In this era of cloud computing, communication and collaboration along with an agile way of delivering both infrastructure and software are critical. With the rise of the cloud infrastructure, starting with the Amazon Web Services announcement in 2006, there has been a constant effort to make the infrastructure dynamic and responsive to changes in business. The traditional methods of building ...

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