© Iuliana Cosmina, Rob Harrop, Chris Schaefer, and Clarence Ho 2023
I. Cosmina et al.Pro Spring 6https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-8640-1_7

7. Spring with Hibernate

Iuliana Cosmina1  , Rob Harrop2, Chris Schaefer3 and Clarence Ho4
Kirkcaldy, UK
Reddish, UK
Venice, FL, USA
Hong Kong, China

Chapter 6 introduced you to how to use JDBC drivers to communicate to SQL databases. However, even though Spring goes a long way toward simplifying JDBC development, you still have a lot of code to write. To avoid this and provide support for easier querying, persistence frameworks were invented, such as MyBatis1 and Hibernate2. jOOQ3, one of the most recent libraries to emerge, is a database-mapping software library that generates Java code from your ...

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