Chapter 2: Mastering Your Music
In This Chapter
Setting up a mastering session
Converting your song files
Processing your production
Sequencing your songs
You’ve done everything else yourself, so why not master your music, too? Well, I hear ya. Even though I’m a firm believer in the magic that a professional mastering engineer can bring to a production — check out the preceding chapter in this mini-book for my take on that — I’m also a do-it-yourself kinda guy. If you’re like me, you at least need to give mastering a shot. After all, you have nothing to lose — except a little time — and everything to gain (or at least learn from).
This chapter walks you through how to master your music in Pro Tools. I offer some general guidelines that you can keep in mind while you work and help get you up to speed on mastering your music yourself. I also show you how to set up your mastering session in Pro Tools.