©  Vinit Yadav 2017

Vinit Yadav, Processing Big Data with Azure HDInsight, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2869-2_2

2. Provisioning an HDInsight Cluster

Vinit Yadav

(1)Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

This chapter dives into Azure HDInsight to create an HDInsight cluster. It also goes through the different ways to provision, run, and decommission a cluster. (To do so, you need an Azure subscription. You can opt for a trial subscription for learning and testing purposes.) And finally, the chapter covers HDInsight Sandbox for local development and testing.

Microsoft Azure is a set of cloud services. One of these services is HDInsight, which is Apache Hadoop running in the cloud. HDInsight abstracts away the implementation details of installation and configuration of individual ...

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