Chapter 1Decorators

A decorator is a tool for wrapping code around functions or classes. Decorators then explicitly apply that wrapper to functions or classes to cause them to “opt in” to the decorator's functionality. Decorators are extremely useful for addressing common prerequisite cases before a function runs (for example, ensuring authentication), or ensuring cleanup after a function runs (for example, output sanitization or exception handling). They are also useful for taking action on the decorated function or class itself. For example, a decorator might register a function with a signaling system or a URI registry in web applications.

This chapter provides an overview of what decorators are and how they interact with Python functions and classes. It enumerates certain decorators that appear in the Python standard library. Finally, it offers instruction in writing decorators and attaching them to functions and classes.

Understanding Decorators

At its core, a decorator is a callable that accepts a callable and returns a callable. A decorator is simply a function (or other callable, such as an object with a __call__ method) that accepts the decorated function as its positional argument. The decorator takes some action using that argument, and then either returns the original argument or some other callable (presumably that interacts with it in some way).

Because functions are first-class objects in Python, they can be passed to another function just as any other object ...

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