12.2. The SharePoint Records Repository

Office SharePoint Server 2007 includes a default implementation of a records repository in the form of the Records Center site template. This template implements the Official File web service and provides all the core functionality needed to build records management solutions. The diagram in Figure 12-1 shows the architecture of a Records Center site.

Figure 12.1. Figure 12-1

A document library is configured to send documents to a central site based on the Records Center site template. Site administrators set this up at the document library level using the user interface. Alternatively, a document library can be configured automatically via the object model or as part of a feature activation. Users can manually select the Send To command from the document library menu to initiate the transfer of documents to the repository. Alternatively, documents can be transferred automatically by a workflow or other process.

SharePoint accesses the Official File web service exposed by the Records Center site to obtain a list of RecordRouting objects. RecordRouting objects specify the locations within the repository that can accept records of a given type. SharePoint maps the name of the content type associated with each document to the name of the routing record to determine which RecordRouting object to use.

SharePoint then submits the file to the ...

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