
Expressions are the building blocks of the CFML language. In its most basic form, an expression is nothing more than a single element such as 1, test, MyVar, or Chr(54). Compound expressions let you to evaluate data that is acted upon by operators. For example, 1*10 is a mathematical expression that evaluates to 10. The values 1 and 10 are both data, while the asterisk (*) is considered an operator. On the other end of the spectrum, expressions can be complex, consisting of one or more subexpressions:

<cfset x = 1+(10 mod (3 * (11 - acos(-1))))>


Operators allow you to perform calculations and make comparisons between expressions. In other words, they allow you to combine simple expressions to form ones that are more complex. For example, <cfset x = 10*(3+2)> uses the asterisk (*) as an operator to multiply 10 by the sum of another expression that uses the plus (+) operator to add 3 and 2. There are four types of operators available in ColdFusion:


Performs arithmetic operations such as sign changes, addition, subtraction, etc., on numeric values.


Compares two values and returns a Boolean true/false.


There is only one string operator in the CFML language. The ampersand (&) concatenates strings.


Also known as logical operators, Boolean operators perform connective and negation operations and return Boolean true/false values.

Table 2-2 lists the operators available in ColdFusion by order of precedence (P).

Table 2-2. ColdFusion ...

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