



Invokes a Java servlet from a ColdFusion template. The cfservlet tag requires Macromedia’s JRun software in order to work. Attributes and parameters may be passed to the Java servlet by nesting cfservletparam tags within the cfservlet tag. This tag has been deprecated in ColdFusion MX. Servlets and JSP pages can now be called using the GetPageContext( ).include( ) and GetPageContext( ).forward( ) functions. Additionally, servlets can be hosted by J2EE servers other than JRun. See Chapter 23 and Appendix B for more information.


code=" servlet_name "

The name of the Java servlet that you want to execute. Required.


Whether or not to write additional information about the JRun connection status and other activity to the JRun error log file. For JRun 2.3.3, the error log is located in jrunhomedir /jsm-default/logs/stderr.log. For JRun 3.0, the error log is found in jrunhomedir / logs/ jrunservername _event.log. Note that jrunservername can be specified as default, admin, or the name of another JRun server that you are running.

jrunproxy=" server:port "

The hostname or IP address and the port where the JRun engine is located. Required when connecting to a JRun 3.x server. Optional when connecting to a JRun 2.3.3 server, as the JRun engine is assumed to be on the same machine as the ColdFusion application server and listening on port 8081.

timeout=" seconds "

The number of seconds ColdFusion ...

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