
MailFolder, like MailCclient, is an attempt to provide a Perl interface to multiple mailbox types. As of this writing, MailFolder is less mature than MailCclient, since the author started from scratch. However, the approach is more open since the functionality is not limited to that already provided in the c-client library. MailFolder was written by Kevin Johnson ().

“Folder interface modules” for each folder type are installed in a subdirectory underneath called Folder. Modules for the standard mbox folders, news (NNTP) folders, and qmail’s maildir folders are included in the package, along with the author’s own “Emaul” folder type. Anyone wishing to handle another type of mailbox would subclass as these do. The POD for gives guidance for those wishing to subclass.



Version Documented: 0.07 dated 05 April 1998

In order to use MailFolder, you need to make sure some other packages are installed on your system. The dependencies for MailFolder are as follows:

  • Perl 5.003 or higher

  • MailTools (1.11 or higher)

  • MIME-tools (4.116 or higher)

  • TimeDate (1.08 or higher)

  • File-Sync (0.04 or higher)

  • libnet (1.0505 or higher)

MailFolder provides the following modules, which are listed with a synopsis of each:

Mail::Folder Synopsis:

Constructors: Folder new (String foldertype, String[] options) Folder new (String foldertype, String foldername, String[] options) Public instance methods: null open (Folder folder, String foldername) boolean ...

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