About the Authors

Michael Hausenblas is a developer advocate at Amazon Web Services, part of the container service team focusing on container security. Michael shares his experience around cloud native infrastructure and apps through demos, blog posts, books, public speaking engagements, and contributions to open source software. Before AWS, Michael worked at Red Hat, Mesosphere, MapR, and in two research institutions in Ireland and Austria.

Stefan Schimanski is a principal software engineer for Go, Kubernetes, and OpenShift at Red Hat. His focus is the Kubernetes API server, especially the implementation of CustomResourceDefinitions, API Machinery in general, and the publishing of the Kubernetes staging repositories client-go, apimachinery, api, and more. Before Red Hat, Stefan worked at Mesosphere on Marathon, Spark, and their Kubernetes offering, and as a freelancer and consultant in high availability and distributed systems. In a former life Stefan did research in Mathematical Logic about constructive mathematics, type systems, and lambda calculus.

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