©  Gene Harding 2018
Gene HardingProgramming LEGO® EV3 My Blockshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3438-9_1

1. Concepts and Common Tasks

Gene Harding1 
South Bend, Indiana, USA

There are several concepts that should be covered to lay the foundation for the heart of this book, including subroutines, feedback, troubleshooting, motor and color sensor matching, and unit conversion, among others.

My Blocks , or Subroutines

In programming, a subroutine is a program that is used to do a task that must be done over and over. Rather than doing the programming for such a task many times, a “mini” program called a subroutine is written just to do that task. The program is carefully debugged and tuned, then it is “called” and run by programs that need it, ...

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