
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” indicate figures and tables respectively.

Adsorbates, 595, 595t
Air gap membrane distillation (AGMD), 65
Air tabling
flat trapezoidal deck, 532–534
laboratory-scale air table, 532, 533f
principle of separation, 532–534, 533f
applications, 531–532
performance curve, 553–554, 554f, 554t
principles, 533f
dimensionless air velocity, 539
frictional force, 537–538
longitudinal vibration and upward airflow, 534, 535f
minimum fluidizing value, 539, 540f
porous deck, 535–536, 535f
reaction force, 537
sphericity, 540
suspension height, 538
terminal velocities, 541
vertical stratification, 534, 534f
PVC/PP mixture, 541
end slope and side slope, 546–550, 546f, 548f–549f, 547t, 548t
feed flow rate, 551–553, 553f, 552t

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