Project-Based Python Programming For Kids and Beginners

Video description

Coding for beginners and kids is now made exciting and easy. Learn to code fun?games, graphics and graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in Python, one of the most powerful programming languages known for its speed, flexibility, and ease-of-use. The Python coding language integrates well with other platforms and runs on almost all modern devices. This OSI-approved open-source language allows free use and distribution (including commercial distribution).

This course helps you delve into the graphics and UX (user experience) aspects of Python. You’ll get up to speed with this computer language in a hands-on manner by drawing shapes, coding a simple game, and designing GUIs (graphical user interfaces), including a functional GUI for a temperature converter app. The course will also guide you through analyzing scientific and statistical data. As you advance, you’ll get to grips with developing educational software. In addition to this, you’ll gain comprehensive insights into accessing and organizing databases, along with understanding how to manage networks.

By the end of this course, you will be well-versed with using not only Python 2 but Python 3 as well for designing immersive games and developing interactive applications and websites.

What You Will Learn

  • Build simple Python-based games using programming loops and functions
  • Draw graphics using the Python module Turtle
  • Develop Python graphical user interfaces with Tkinter
  • Understand how to work with Python 2 and 3
  • Use the in-built Python modules for your projects
  • Use Microsoft Visual Studio Code-a powerful IDLE for programming and development in Python and other languages


If you are interested in developing your Python skills, working through real-life programming projects, or building exciting games and GUIs, then this course is for you.

About The Author

Minerva Singh: Minerva Singh is a PhD graduate from Cambridge University where she specialized in Tropical Ecology. She is also a part-time Data Scientist. As part of her research, she must carry out extensive data analysis, including spatial data analysis. For this purpose, she prefers to use a combination of freeware tools: R, QGIS, and Python. She does most of her spatial data analysis work using R and QGIS. Apart from being free, these are very powerful tools for data visualization, processing, and analysis. She also holds an MPhil degree in Geography and Environment from Oxford University. She has honed her statistical and data analysis skills through several MOOCs, including The Analytics Edge and Statistical. In addition to spatial data analysis, she is also proficient in statistical analysis, machine learning, and data mining.

Table of contents

  1. Chapter 1 : Introduction to Project Based Python Programming
    1. Introduction to the Course Me
    2. Python Installation for Windows
    3. Python Installation for Other OS
    4. Online Python IDLE
    5. Hello World in Python
    6. Python Coding with Visual Studio
    7. Some Common Python Terms
    8. Conclusion to Section 1
  2. Chapter 2 : Diving into the Python Basics
    1. Basic Arithmetic in Python
    2. Welcome to the World of Data Types
    3. Random Number Generation
    4. Working With Strings
    5. Get User Inputs
    6. Tuples
    7. Lists
    8. Dictionaries
    9. Defining our Own Functions in Python-Basic
    10. Some More On Functions
    11. Conclusions to Section 2
  3. Chapter 3 : Decision Making with Programming
    1. Rationale for this section
    2. if-else loops
    3. elif in if-else loops
    4. while loop
    5. for loop
    6. More on Loops
    7. Nested For Loop
    8. Build a Number Guessing Game!!-Basic
    9. Build a Number Guessing Game!!-Advanced
    10. OPTIONAL:Build a Number Guessing Game!!-(More) Advanced
    11. Conclusion to Section 3
  4. Chapter 4 : Graphics with Python
    1. Working With Graphics in Python
    2. Draw a Square
    3. The Idea Behind Angles
    4. Draw a Rectangle Using Loops
    5. Create a Rectangle Function
    6. Code Along1: Draw an Equilateral Triangle
    7. Code Along2: Draw an Equilateral Triangle With Loops
    8. Code an Irregular Shape: Start a Snowflake
    9. Snowflakes!!
    10. Conclusions to Section 4
  5. Chapter 5 : GUI Programming with Python
    1. Start with GUIs in Python
    2. Create a Simple Button With tkinter
    3. Add Functionality to the Button
    4. The Tkinter Grid
    5. Common Tkinter GUI Widgets
    6. Canvas for Drawing-part1
    7. Canvas for Drawing-part2
    8. Simple Expression Evaluator
    9. Start With the Temperature Conversion App
    10. Complete the App-1
    11. Complete the App-2

Product information

  • Title: Project-Based Python Programming For Kids and Beginners
  • Author(s): Minerva Singh
  • Release date: December 2019
  • Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781800204782