Project Management for Small Projects, 2nd Edition

Book description

Important New Tools for Managing Your Small Projects As Part of a Larger Program!

The first edition of Project Management for Small Projects introduced project management processes, tools, and techniques that are scalable and adaptable to small projects. Project managers learned a structured, disciplined approach to managing small projects sensibly and realistically. This new edition is updated throughout to reflect the PMBOK® Guide, Fifth Edition, balancing the particular needs of small projects with the project management methodology.
Project managers who are proficient at managing and leading their own projects are increasingly being called upon to work collaboratively with other project managers to lead components of a program. In addition to knowing how to manage processes and how to lead the team, project managers must now also know how to collaborate and share knowledge with other project managers. A new chapter on program management offers important insights and guidance for managing a group of related small projects in a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not available from managing them individually.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. About the Author
  5. Dedication
  6. Contents
  7. Preface
  8. Acknowledgments
  9. Part 1 Project Management Discipline
    1. Chapter 1 Introduction to Project Management
      1. Project Overview
      2. What Is Project Management?
      3. The Value of Using Project Management on Small Projects
    2. Chapter 2 Concerns for Small Projects
      1. Challenges for Small Projects
      2. Problems Resulting from Not Using Project Management
    3. Chapter 3 Managing and Leading Small Projects
      1. The Difference Between Management and Leadership
      2. Managing Small Projects
      3. Leading Small Projects
      4. Managing and Leading a Project
      5. Managing and Leading Simple Projects
    4. Chapter 4 Pre-Project Activities
      1. Statement of Work
      2. Project Request
  10. Part 2 Project Management Process for Small Projects
    1. Chapter 5 Process Overview
      1. Project Life Cycle
      2. Deliverables
      3. Project Management Process for Small Projects
      4. PALM Principle
    2. Chapter 6 Initiating
      1. Initiating Process Summary
      2. Initiating Process Steps
      3. Project Charter
      4. Project Roles and Responsibilities
    3. Chapter 7 Planning for Small Projects
      1. Planning Process Summary
      2. Planning Process Steps
    4. Chapter 8 Planning for Simple Projects
      1. Planning Steps
      2. Step 1: Prepare for Planning Activities
      3. Step 2: Collect Requirements
      4. Step 3: Develop Scope Statement
      5. Step 4: Develop a WBS
      6. Step 5: Develop an Action Plan or To-Do List
      7. Step 6: Plan Project Communications
    5. Chapter 9 Controlling
      1. Controlling Process Summary
      2. Controlling Process Activities
      3. Action Items
    6. Chapter 10 Closing
      1. Closing Process Summary
      2. Closing Process Steps
  11. Part 3 Additional Discipline
    1. Chapter 11 Managing Multiple Small Projects
      1. Multiple Project Overview
      2. Small Project Portfolios
      3. Problems with Managing Multiple Projects
      4. SPM Multiple-Project Management Process
    2. Chapter 12 Projects as Part of a Program
      1. Project Activities and Collaboration
      2. Knowledge Sharing
    3. Chapter 13 Building Effective Teams
      1. Teams for a Small Project
      2. Team Charter
      3. Effective Team Meetings
      4. The Tuckman Model
      5. Facilitation Tools
    4. Chapter 14 The Power of One
      1. What Is the Power of One?
      2. Roles and Responsibilities
      3. Realizing the Power of One
      4. Time Management
    5. Chapter 15 Transitioning to Larger Projects
      1. Project Management Skills
      2. Leadership Skills
      3. People, Process, and Technology
  12. Glossary
  13. Index
  14. Back Cover

Product information

  • Title: Project Management for Small Projects, 2nd Edition
  • Author(s): Sandra R. Rowe
  • Release date: April 2015
  • Publisher(s): Berrett-Koehler Publishers
  • ISBN: 9781567264753