© Eyal Shahar  2019
E. ShaharProject Reliability Engineeringhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5019-8_3

3. The Live Dashboard

Eyal Shahar1 
San Francisco, CA, USA

The dashboard that we created in the previous chapter, as simple as it is, is already a great tool and could be very useful just the way it is. We simply used template rendering and HTTP requests to convey the current state of the project and send instruction to it from a web browser; this already gives us insight about what the project is doing and allows us to control it. In this chapter we will build on top of the skills we learned and add real-time capabilities to our dashboard using both HTTP requests and WebSockets.

HTTP Requests

First, let us recall how we used a button to send ...

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