complicating issues, 258±259
defensive measure questions, 254±257
key points, 260
marginal cost equilization, 257±258
overview, 253±254
U.S. antipollution legislation, 262±263
Musgrave, Richard
Haig±Simons income versus expenditures,
three branches of government, 68
(footnote 3)
Nash ineYciency, mobility, federalism, 886
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, 796±797
Natural monopoly
decreasing cost industries, 273
deWnition, 271
Necessities, optimal commodity tax problem,
NOAA, see also National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
Arrow's impossibility theorem, 87
Gibbard±Satterthwaite theorem, 93
Nonexclusive goods, see also Samuelsonian
nonexclusive goods
Non-manipulability, Gibbard±Satterthwaite
theorem, 93
Nonmarketed beneWts
Wrst-best environment
defensive behavior, 790±791
hedonic price technique, 791±795
overview, 788±789
substitute products, 790±791
surveys, 795±797
underlying beneWt evaluation, 789±790
second-best analysis, 797±800
Nonoptimal income distribution, cost±beneWt
Boadway framework, 811±812
Weisbrod framework, 812±816
Nonoptimal taxes, production decisions
balanced-budget changes in t and Z,
basic rules, 704±705
overview, 701±703
special cases, 706±707
tax rules, 703±704
Nonvoters, median voter model, 912
Normative public sector theory
allocation of resources, 17
distribution of income, 15±17
Wscal federalism, 25±26
fundamental questions, 5±7
government, humanism, consumer
sovereignty, and capitalism, 7±8
government expenditure theory, 7
government policy goals
eYciency, 9
equity, 9±12
government as agent, 12±13
legitimate functions, 8±9
policy goals, 9
government sector, U.S., 20±23
private information, 17±20
public choice theory, 26±29
theory of taxation, 23±25
welfare economics, 14±15
Notch problem, targeted cash transfers, 636
Oates, Wallace, Wscal federalism
decentralization theorem, 837±839
perfect correspondence, 836±837
OYce of Management and Budget, public rate
of discount, 755±756
Okun's leaky bucket
Atkinson social welfare function, 110±112
optimal income taxation, 503±504
social welfare function, 108±109
OLG, see also Overlapping generations model
Oligopoly, Harberger incidence model,
OMB, see also OYce of Management and
One person's dead-weight loss, tax incidence,
Opportunity costs
standards legislation, 243
public funds
consumption±investment mix, 737±738
Harberger and Sjaastad±Wisecarver
models, 750±752
MRS, 734±736
MRT, 736±737
overview, 733
Optimal commodity tax
basic problem, 430
broad-based taxation, 433±435
covariance interpretation, 469±471
deWnition, 429
equations, 431±432
inverse elasticity rule, 437±438
many-person economies, 465±469
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