Chapter 10

Becoming a Vocal Athlete


check Knowing what goes into a healthy body

check Understanding why training your body matters

check Exercising … and then some

We generally think of athletes as those who push their bodies to the limits. Higher, faster, stronger. It’s the Olympic way. We as a society view these people and how they achieve such feats of excellence with awe. Every time athletes do something tremendous on the international stage, there are articles upon articles about their eating habits and training regimen.

I’m not asking you to start deadlifting or to become a marathon runner. But so many of the people who walk into my office think that everything to do with speaking (and their problems with it) has to do with their mentality. It’s true, the mental aspects are important. But to discount the physical aspect of the act is wrong. We speak with our bodies. And though it’s not necessary to be a professional athlete to speak properly, it is important to be mindful of how you treat your body.

It’s not swimming, it’s not running, and it certainly isn’t football. But public speaking is a sport — or at least, it’s a good idea to think of it as one. You’re using your body ...

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