Video description
Join us on an immersive Python programming journey, spanning over 50 hours of learning. Whether you're a novice or experienced, this course equips you with vital Python skills for careers and projects.
Starting from the basics, grasp Python's core principles and proficiency in real-world functions. As Python's popularity grows, this course readies you for the rising demand for Python developers. You'll practice hand-on examples using Python's interpreter and Visual Studio Code with Code Runner to solidify your skills.
With a focus on Data Science and Machine Learning, you'll master essential packages such as NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Scikit-learn, using the versatile Jupyter Notebook. The course extensively covers Python's fundamental aspects, spanning variables, lists, dictionaries, and venturing into advanced topics like classes, loops, modules, and creating virtual environments. The goal is to provide you with a solid Python foundation. You'll also gain insight into functional and object-oriented Python programming, making you a versatile coder.
The course is thoughtfully structured, explaining not just "how" but also "why" we use specific methods and best practices. By course end, you'll harness Python's full potential for web and mobile app development, data science, machine learning, and game creation.
What You Will Learn
- Grasp concepts such as data types, loops, and conditional statements to build a robust coding foundation
- Understand OOP principles like inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism for streamlined code
- Manipulate files, directories, and efficiently manage external modules through Python
- Master real-world datasets with NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib and more
- Ensure code reliability through Python's error handling and master the nuances of PIP and virtual project isolation
This comprehensive Python course is tailored for a diverse audience. It's an excellent choice for beginners taking their first steps in programming. If you're interested in data science and machine learning, this course equips you with essential skills. Web developers can leverage Python for building web applications. Moreover, if you're keen on tasks involving machine learning and data processing, this course is for you. Game developers looking to create games using Python and Pygame will find this course invaluable.
About The Author
Bogdan Stashchuk: Bogdan Stashchuk has over 20 years of experience as a software engineering instructor. He excels at breaking down complex topics into easy-to-follow steps. His courses are designed with hands-on exercises, ensuring that learners can actively participate and apply what they learn. From start to finish, students can follow along and complete tasks just as Bogdan demonstrates in his lectures. He also includes challenging assignments with detailed solutions. This approach helps learners understand and remember the material long after they've completed the course. Through his dedication and expertise, Bogdan ensures a valuable and effective learning experience for everyone.
Table of contents
- Chapter 1 : Introduction to Python
- Chapter 2 : Installing and Using Pycharm IDE
- Chapter 3 : Basics Concepts in Python
- Chapter 4 : Introduction to Functions and Built-in Functions in python
- Chapter 5 : Code formatting and PEP8
- Chapter 6 : Comments
- Chapter 7 : Expressions and Instructions
- Chapter 8 : Variables
- Chapter 9 : Data Types and structures
- Chapter 10 : Strings
- Chapter 11 : String Concatenation
- Chapter 12 : Numeric Types
- Chapter 13 : Boolean Values
- Chapter 14 : Magic Methods
- Chapter 15 : Lists
- Chapter 16 : Dictionaries
- Chapter 17 : Tuples
- Chapter 18 : Sets
- Chapter 19 : Ranges
- Chapter 20 : Working with Sequences
- Chapter 21 : Modifying Objects in Python
- Chapter 22 : Functions
- Chapter 23 : Function Arguments
Chapter 24 : Args and kwargs in Functions
- Practice - Using *args to Gather Positional Arguments into a Tuple
- Keyword Arguments
- Practice - Working with Keyword Arguments
- Practice - Using *kwargs to Merge Keyword Arguments in a Dictionary
- TASK - Manipulating Function Arguments
- Args and kwargs
- Practice - Gathering Positional Arguments into the *args Tuple
- Practice - Gathering All Keyword Arguments into the **kwargs Dictionary
- Chapter 25 : Default Function Parameters
- Chapter 26 : Docstrings
- Chapter 27 : Callback Functions
- Chapter 28 : Global and local Variables
- Chapter 29 : Operators
- Chapter 30 : Falsy and Truthy Values
- Chapter 31 : Logical and Comparison Operators
- Chapter 32 : Lambda Functions
Chapter 33 : Error handling
- Error Handling
- Practice - Using Different Error Classes in the Try and Except
- Practice - Using Multiple Error Classes in one Except Block and Parent Exception Class
- Practice - Using Else and Finally Blocks
- Example - Handling File Not Found Errors
- Example - Handling Undefined Variable Errors
- Practice - Raising Custom Errors
- Practice - Handling Raised Errors using Try and Except
- Practice - Specifying Types for Function Parameters
- TASK - Proper Error Handling
Chapter 34 : Sequence Unpacking
- Sequence Unpacking
- Practice - Unpacking Tuples
- Practice - Unpacking a List of Tuples
- Practice - Unpacking Remaining Elements
- Practice - Unpacking Selected Elements
- Practice - Unpacking a List into Positional Arguments
- Practice - Unpacking a Dictionary into Keyword Arguments
- Practice - Flexibility in Function Calls
- Chapter 35 : Unpacking Dictionary
Chapter 36 : Conditional Statements
- Conditional Statements
- Practice - Working with Multiple if Statements
- The if-else Statement
- The if-elif Statement
- Practice - Combining if, elif, and else Statements
- Practice - Considering the Order of Conditions in if Statements
- Practice - Incorporating if Statements into Functions
- Practice - Using if and return Statements within Functions
- Example - Calculating School Grades using if and return in the Function
- TASK - Conditional Statements
- Chapter 37 : Ternary Operator
- Chapter 38 : For-In loop
- Chapter 39 : While Loop
Chapter 40 : For-In Expression (Comprehension)
- For-In Expression
- List, Set, and Dictionary Comprehensions
- Practice - Using List Comprehension
- Practice - Using Dictionary Comprehension
- Practice - Utilizing Tuple Comprehension
- Practice - Converting Tuples to Lists
- Example - Constructing Dictionaries from Sequences
- Practice - Short For-In Loops with Conditional Statements
- Example - Converting Dictionary to Another Dictionary
- TASKS - Short For-In Loops
- Example - Chaining For-In Expressions
- Chapter 41 : Generators
- Chapter 42 : Decorator Functions
- Chapter 43 : Classes and Objects
- Chapter 44 : Instance and Class method
- Chapter 45 : Magic Methods in Classes
- Chapter 46 : Classes Extension
Chapter 47 : Classes in Practice
- Example - Creating Forum, User, and Post Classes
- Example - Creating Instances of the Forum, User, and Post Classes
- Example - Methods for Finding Users by Username and Email
- Example - Method for Finding All Posts by a Specific User
- Example - Retrieving User Posts by Email
- Example - Adding Parameter Types
- Example - Wrapping up the Forum, Users, and Posts Example
- Chapter 48 : Key Principles in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Chapter 49 : Modules
- Chapter 50 : Built-in Modules
- Chapter 51 : What is __name__ and __main__
- Chapter 52 : JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
Chapter 53 : Working with Files
- Working with Files
- Working with Files and Directories using the os Module
- Removing Files and Directories using the os Module
- Summary of Directory and File Operations using the os Module
- Working with Files and Directories using the Path Class
- Iterating over Directories and Removing Files using the Path Class
- Reading and Writing Files
- Writing and Reading Files using the built-in open Function
- Using the with Statement
- Removing Files using unlink
- TASK - Files
- Chapter 54 : Working with zip archives
- Chapter 55 : Working with CSV Files
- Chapter 56 : Working with Dates and Times
- Chapter 57 : Generating Random Sequences and Passwords
- Chapter 58 : Math Module and Recursive Functions
- Chapter 59 : Regular Expressions
- Chapter 60 : Sending Emails
- Chapter 61 : Working with SQLite Database
- Chapter 62 : Other Built-in Modules
Chapter 63 : Virtual Environments
- Introduction to PIP - Package Manager for Python
- Using a Globally Installed requests Package
- Uninstalling Globally Installed Packages using PIP
- Creating a Python Virtual Environment
- Activation and Deactivation of the Virtual Environment in the Shell
- Installing Packages within the Virtual Environment
- Saving a List of Installed Packages in a Requirements Text File
- Challenges of Package Management using Requirements Files
Chapter 64 : Pipenv for Virtual Environments Management
- Installing pipenv for Virtual Environments Management
- Creating a Virtual Environment using pipenv:
- Installing Packages using pipenv:
- Updating Packages using pipenv:
- Recreating Virtual Environment in the Project Folder using pipenv:
- Using venv for Virtual Environments in PyCharm:
- Using pipenv for Virtual Environments in PyCharm:
- Chapter 65 : Introduction to the Django web framework
- Chapter 66 : Creating a Django project
- Chapter 67 : Creating a Django Application
Chapter 68 : Database and Migrations in Django
- Applying Default Migrations in the Django Project
- Creating an Admin User in the Django Project
- Creating Course and Category Models
- Enabling the Shop Application in the Django Project
- Creating and Applying Migrations for the Shop Application
- Modifying Database Models
- Creating a Category using the Category Model in the Shell
- Creating Courses using the Course Model in the Shell
- Creating Categories and Courses in the Admin Interface
- Modifying How Courses and Categories are Displayed in the Admin Panel
- Sending Course Titles to the Client in the Response
- Chapter 69 : Creating Templates in Django
- Chapter 70 : Extending Other Templates in Django
- Chapter 71 : Creating Multiple routes and View Functions
Chapter 72 : Routing between Pages in Django
- Setting Up Routing Between Pages Using Relative or Absolute Paths
- Setting Up Routing Based on the Names of the URL Patterns
- Considering Application Names in the Routing Setup:
- Adding a Link to the All Courses Page
- Moving the Templates Folder Out of the Shop Application Folder
- Modifying the Model for the Courses
- Summary of the Django Shop Application
- Installing django-tastypie for the API Django Application
- Chapter 73 : Creating an API Django Application
Chapter 74 : Managing Authentication for API Requests
- Creating an API Key for the User
- Enabling Authentication and Authorization for the Model and Using DELETE Method
- Disabling Authentication Only for GET Requests
- Creating a New Resource Using POST Method
- Properly Connecting the Course to the Category in POST Requests Using Hydrate Method
- Adding Dehydrate Method to Modify Data Before Sending to Client
- Summary for Setting Up GET, POST, and DELETE Requests
- Chapter 75 : Django Project Refactoring and Admin Settings
Chapter 76 : Creating Games with Pygame
- Introduction to Pygame and Creating the Game Window
- Modifying Background Color of the Game Surface
- Displaying a Rectangle in the Game
- TASK - Placing Rectangle in the Middle of the Game Window
- SOLUTION - Placing Rectangle in the Middle of the Game Window
- Moving Rectangle Using Keyboard Arrows
- Stopping Rectangle from Moving Outside of the Surface
Chapter 77 : Creating a Shooter Game with Pygame
- Final Shooter Game Overview
- Loading Images for the Game and Fighter
- Displaying Fighter on the Surface
- Moving Fighter Left or Right
- Making Fighter Movement Continuous
- Adding the Ball to the Game
- Showing Ball Based on Fighter Position
- Moving the Ball After Firing
- Adding the Alien to the Game
- Moving the Alien Down the Surface
- Chapter 78 : Interaction of the Elements in the Pygame
Chapter 79 : Game Refactoring using Classes and OOP
- Start of Shooter Refactoring and Creating the Fighter Class
- Adding Methods in the Fighter Class
- Creating an Alien Class
- Adding Methods in the Alien Class
- Creating a Ball Class
- Adding Methods in the Ball Class
- Creating a Game Class
- Adding Methods in the Game Class
- Adding Methods for Drawing Elements and Finalizing Refactoring
- Game Refactoring Summary
- Running the Game After Refactoring
- Chapter 80 : Jupyter Notebook
- Chapter 81 : Jupyter Lab
- Chapter 82 : NumPy - Creating Arrays
- Chapter 83 : NumPy – Random Values
- Chapter 84 : NumPy – Examples
Chapter 85 : Pandas – Working with DataFrames and Series
- Introduction to Pandas and Installation
- Creating a DataFrame from a Dictionary
- Basic Operations with DataFrame
- Describing the DataFrame
- Finding Null Values in the DataFrame
- Finding Columns with Specific Data Type
- Series Data Structure in Pandas
- Selecting Part of the DataFrame Using loc and iloc Properties
- Filtering Data in the DataFrame
- Datetime Type in Pandas
- Sorting Data in the DataFrame
- Adding and Removing Columns and Concatenating DataFrames
- Summary of Pandas DataFrames and Series
- Chapter 86 : Pandas – Random Data Working with CSV
- Chapter 87 : Pandas – Analysing CSV- Loaded DataFrames
- Chapter 88 : Matplotlib – Creating Charts
Chapter 89 : Scikit – Learn - Machine Learning
- Introduction to Scikit-Learn and Installation
- Loading and Analyzing Sample Data for Model Creation
- Handling Null Values in DataFrame
- Attempting to Create a Model for Predicting Target Values
- Encoding Non-Numeric Values in Input Data
- Building and Predicting with Cleaned and Encoded Data
- Summary of Model for Predicting Favorite Transport
- Visualizing DecisionTreeClassifier Model
- Creating Charts for Data from the Built Model
- Evaluating Model Accuracy
Chapter 90 : Machine Learning Model for Real Data
- Loading CSV File with Airline Passenger Satisfaction Data
- Analyzing DataFrame with Passenger Satisfaction Data
- Filling Null Values with Mean Value
- Creating Diagrams for Passenger Data Analysis
- Manually Encoding Non-Numeric Values in DataFrame
- Encoding Non-Numeric Values Using LabelEncoder
- Creating Additional Diagrams After Data Cleaning and Encoding
- Filtering DataFrame with Passenger Data
- Using DecisionTreeClassifier for Model Creation
- Measuring Model Accuracy with DecisionTreeClassifier
- Using Other Classifiers for Model Creation
- Summary of Airline Passenger Satisfaction Project
- Chapter 91 : Making Machine Learning Model More Real
Product information
- Title: Python – Complete Python, Django, Data Science and ML Guide
- Author(s):
- Release date: November 2023
- Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
- ISBN: 9781835465141
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