Python 3 from Beginner to Expert - Learn Python from Scratch

Video description

Python is renowned for its accessibility and code readability, making it an excellent choice for beginners with no prior programming experience. But Python’s appeal extends far beyond newcomers—even seasoned programmers often turn to Python when faced with complex challenges. Major tech companies such as Google (YouTube), Facebook, Dropbox, Yahoo, NASA, IBM, Mozilla, and Reddit rely on Python for various tasks, enhancing its relevance in today’s competitive job market.

This comprehensive course provides a structured learning path to master the Python programming language. You will not only grasp the fundamentals but also dive into critical concepts of object-oriented programming. You will gain proficiency in creating and using functions, explore a wide array of operators, from arithmetic to logical and relational, and discover how to manipulate strings effectively. The course will empower you to implement conditional statements for decision-making and introduce you to essential data structures such as lists, collections, tuples, dictionaries, and more.

Moreover, by the course’s conclusion, you will have the skills to import and harness Python libraries, unlocking a world of possibilities for solving real-world problems efficiently. Whether you are taking your first steps into programming or looking to expand your skill set, this course offers a versatile and valuable foundation in Python.

What You Will Learn

  • Create and execute Python3 programs
  • Gain proficiency in importing and utilizing Python libraries
  • Acquire a comprehensive understanding of functions and their implementation
  • Discover how to install external packages using PyPi and pip
  • Delve into object-oriented programming with classes, methods, and project management
  • Master data structures: lists, collections, tuples, dictionaries, and their optimal usage


This course is designed for individuals who are beginners and those who wish to gain a fundamental understanding of programming. You do not need any prior programming experience to enroll in this course.

About The Author

Arkadiusz Włodarczyk: Arkadiusz Włodarczyk, a distinguished educator and programming expert, is renowned for his highly acclaimed video courses on programming, web development, and mathematics in Poland. With a commitment to simplifying complex concepts, his courses are invaluable assets for those embarking on programming and web development journeys. With over a decade of programming experience and more than 15 years of web development expertise, he stands as a seasoned practitioner in the field.

Table of contents

  1. Chapter 1 : Python Basics
    1. Introduction
    2. What Is Python? Installation and First Execution
    3. Variables, Creating and Running External Script, Interactive Shell
    5. Types of Variables
    6. Math Operators
    7. Exercise: Adding VAT to Products
    8. Semicolon and ENTER - Assigning Multiple Values to Variables at Once
    9. Assignment Operators
    10. Playing with Strings (Slicing, Adding, and Having Fun)
  2. Chapter 2 : Functions and Libraries Basics
    1. Importing Libraries, What Are Functions - Basics
    2. Important Video about Common Mistakes Regarding Functions
    3. Taking Data from User and Type Conversion (Casting)
  3. Chapter 3 : Conditional Statements
    1. Comparison (Relational) Operators
    2. Instruction ‘If' Why Indentation Is Important in Python
    3. Exercise: Simple Calculator
    4. Values Different than 0
    5. Logical Operators
  4. Chapter 4 : Loops
    1. While Loop
    2. Exercise: Adding Numbers Taken from the User
    3. For Loop
    4. Instruction Break and Continue
    5. Exercise: Guess the Number
  5. Chapter 5 : Lists
    1. What Are Lists? Basic Operations on Lists
    2. Checking Whether Element Is ‘in' or ‘not in' the List
    3. Exercise: Giving Secret Access
    4. Operating on Lists with Functions
  6. Chapter 6 : Advanced Types
    1. Tuples - What Does Immutable Mean?
    2. Dictionaries
    3. Sets
    4. Operations on Sets
    5. Nested Types
    6. Processing Nested Types Using Loops
    7. Dictionary Inside Dictionary, Dictionary Inside List - When to Choose Which?
    8. Extracting (Iterating Through) Values from Nested Dictionaries
    9. Exercise: Dynamic Dictionary with Definitions
  7. Chapter 7 : Transformations
    1. List Comprehensions
    2. Generator Expressions
    3. Dictionary Comprehension
    4. Set Comprehension
    5. Exercise: Finding Numbers That Are Divisible by 7, but Not Divisible by 5
  8. Chapter 8 : Functions
    1. What Are functions? How to Create a Function? Why Should We Use Functions?
    2. Multiple Parameters in Function (Passing More Arguments)
    3. Returning Values from Function
  9. Chapter 9 : Functions - Advanced
    1. Multi-Module Application | How to Import Your Own Module
    2. Enum - What It Is and Why You Should Use It?
    3. Exercise: Sum of All Numbers Up to the One Entered by User
    4. Measuring Performance of Code | How Well (Fast) Some Parts of Code Work | Time
    5. Function as Argument of Another Function | How to Measure Performance of Function
    6. Default Arguments
    7. Named (Keyword) and Unnamed (Positional) Arguments
    8. Exercise - Checking Whether Value Is in Container
    9. Variable Length Argument (Multiple Arguments Sent and Saved in a Single Parameter)
    10. Local Versus Global Variables - Scope - Lifetime of Variables
    11. Mutable Versus Immutable Objects
    12. Shallow Versus Deep Copy of Object
    13. Lambda | Anonymous Functions - What Are They? When Should You Use Them?
    14. Use the any () Function to Determine if a List Contains Any Even Numbers
  10. Chapter 10 : Random Numbers
    1. Drawing Random Numbers - Creating a Program that Checks Whether You Hit the Monster
    2. Random Events - Choice Versus Choices Function
    3. Shuffle - Shuffling Cards in ‘War' Game
    4. Exercise: Drawing Elements Without Repetition - Lottery Game - Six Numbers from 49
    5. Exercise | Game | Drawing Random Chests Colors with Random Rewards
    6. Exercise | Game | Drawing Approximate Value to a Certain Value
  11. Chapter 11 : Working with Files in Python and Exceptions | I/O Operations
    1. What Is a File? How to Create It? Why Do We Need to Close It? How to Save Data?
    2. Exceptions, Try, Finally Block
    3. Opening the File Using: with…as…
    4. Reading the Content of a File - read Versus readlines, Splitting Lines, Encoding
    5. seek and Tell - Changing and Reading the Position of Last Operation in File
    6. Append - Adding Text at the End of File
    7. a+, r+, w+ - Two Function File Opening Modes
    8. Keyword Except - Catching Exceptions - Exercise - Loading Names and Surnames
  12. Chapter 12 : JSON
    1. What Is JSON? Why Do We Use It? What Problems Does JSON Solve?
    2. Creating and Saving Data from Python in JSON Format to File and String
    3. Loading Data from JSON File to Python
    4. Pretty Printer - Loading/Saving Pretty and Sorted JSON
  13. Chapter 13 : pip | PyPi – Using External Packages
    1. What Is pip and PyPi? Installing and Playing with External Package - Request
    2. Loading Data from Server from JSON File - Preface to Next Exercise
    3. Processing JSON Data | Extracting Top Values from List of Dictionaries
    4. Refactoring - Making Our Code Easier to Maintain from the Previous Lecture
    5. Solution 1: Retrieving a Few Users from Server at the Same Time
    6. Solution 2: Retrieving a Few Users from Server at the Same Time
    7. Solution 3: Retrieving a Few Users from Server at the Same Time
    8. defaultdict Supplying Missing Values of Dictionary When Accessing Empty Element
  14. Chapter 14 : API
    1. What Is Public API? Where to Find It? Stackoverflow API
    2. Getting JSON from -> Getting Top Questions from Last Week
    3. Opening Websites from Python Code - webbrowser Module
    4. Getting Records from Last Week - Datetime Module
    5. Exercise: Cat Facts
    6. Exercise: Random Cat Images by Breed
    7. Authorization - Log in Using API Key - Getting Holiday Calendar
  15. Chapter 15 : API – Header Authorization – POST and DELETE
    1. Authorization Through Header - Settings
    2. Exercise: Cat System - Introduction
    3. POST - Adding a Cat to Favorite List
    4. DELETE - Removing a Cat from Favorite List
  16. Chapter 16 : Visual Studio Code – Installation and Settings
    1. VSC – Downloading and Installing
    2. Setting Up the Workspace in VSC and Installing Basic Extensions
    3. Linter - What Is Linting - How to Use It, Settings in .vscode
    4. Code Runner | Custom Shortcuts | Shortcuts from Other Editors, Interactive Shell
    5. Auto Save - Making Sure Your File Is Saved after Each Change
    6. Snippets and Pass Keyword
    7. Automatic Code Formatting
    8. Debugging Mode - How to Professionally Debug Your Code
    9. Ligatures - Custom Font Created Especially for Programmers - Fira Code
  17. Chapter 17 : Visual Studio Code – Useful Extensions
    1. Icons Theme
    2. Bracket Pair Colorizer - Improving the Readability of Your Code
    3. Python Preview - Watching the Code Execution While Writing It
    4. Python Quick Print
    5. Code Spell Checker
  18. Chapter 18 : OOP – Object-Oriented Programming
    1. What Is Object-Oriented Programming?
    2. What Are Objects and Classes? How to Create a Simple Object and Class?
    3. Creating Your First Method - What Is "self"?
    4. __init__ - Sending Arguments to Class for Initialization
    5. Exercise: Create Rockets That Can Move Up
    6. Document String - docstring
    7. __str__ - Dunder Method Representing Text of Object
    8. Exercise: Organizing More than One Class - Rocket Board
    9. __getitem__, __setitem__ - Setting and Getting Values Using Dunder Methods
    10. Exercise: Counting Distance Between Rockets
    11. Is it Important to Understand Math That Was Used in the Previous Lecture?
    12. Static Methods
    13. Setting Type for Variables Using Annotations - Pyright Extension
    14. __len__
    15. Class / Static Variables - Creating USER with Unique IDs
    16. Exercise: Bank Account - Withdraw/Deposit Money
    17. How to Properly Handle Returned Values from Methods
    18. Inheritance and Method Overriding – super ()
    19. Exercise: Inheritance on a Practical Example - Result
    20. Exercise: Playing with Cube, Square, and Rectangle
    21. Inheritance Versus Association - When to Use Which?
  19. Chapter 19 : Generator Functions
    1. Generator Functions - yield Keyword
    2. Exercise: Generate Infinite Amount of Numbers Multiplied by Themselves
    3. Send Method - How to Send a Value into a Generator?

Product information

  • Title: Python 3 from Beginner to Expert - Learn Python from Scratch
  • Author(s): Arkadiusz Włodarczyk
  • Release date: January 2019
  • Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781838552787