Python Programming for Beginners - Learn in 100 Easy Steps

Video description

Python is one of the most popular programming languages. Python offers both object-oriented and structural programming features. We love Programming. Our aim with this course is to create a love for Programming.

In more than 150 Steps, we explore the most important Python Programming Language Features

??Basics of Python Programming - Expressions, Variables, and Printing Output

??Python Operators - Python Assignment Operator, Relational and Logical Operators, Short Circuit Operators

??Python Conditionals and If Statement

??Methods - Parameters, Arguments and Return Values

??An Overview Of Python Platform

??Object-Oriented Programming - Class, Object, State and Behavior

??Basics of OOPS - Encapsulation, Inheritance and Abstract Class.

??Basics about Python Data Types

??Basics about Python Built-in Modules

??Conditionals with Python - If Else Statement, Nested If Else

??Loops - For Loop, While Loop in Python, Break and Continue

??Immutablity of Python Basic Types

??Python Data Structures - List, Set, Dictionary and Tuples

??Introduction to Variable Arguments

??Basics of Designing a Class - Class, Object, State and Behavior. Deciding State and Constructors.

??Introduction to Exception Handling - Your Thought Process during Exception Handling. try, except, else and finally. Exception Hierarchy. Throwing an Exception. Creating and Throwing a Custom Exception.

What You Will Learn

  • You will learn Python the modern way - Step By Step - with 200 hands-on Code Examples
  • You will understand the best practices in writing high-quality Pythonic Code
  • You will solve a Wide Range of Hands-on Programming exercises with Python
  • You will learn to Write awesome Object-Oriented Programs with Python
  • You will acquire all the Python Skills needed to transition into Analytics, Machine Learning and Data Science Roles
  • You will Acquire all the SKILLS to demonstrate an EXPERTISE with Python Programming in Your Job Interviews
  • You will learn about a wide variety of Python Data Structures - List, Set, Dictionary and Tuples
  • You will learn the basics of PyCharm IDE and Python Shell
  • You will learn how to think as a Python Programmer
  • You will learn the basics of programming - variables, choosing a data type, conditional execution, loops, writing great methods, breaking down problems into subproblems and implementing exception handling.
  • You will learn the basics of Object Oriented Programming - Inheritance, Abstract Class and Constructors
  • You will learn the important concepts of Object Oriented Programming - Abstraction and Inheritance


This course is for anyone who wants to learn Programming with Python. You want to automate things with Python.

About The Author

In28Minutes Official: Ranga Karanam is a seasoned technologist and architect with over two decades of expertise in programming, design, and architecture. He founded in28Minutes with the goal of helping students master cutting-edge cloud-native technologies such as AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Docker, and Kubernetes. With 15 years of experience in Java programming and design, Ranga has collaborated with top banking clients worldwide.

His passion for creating hands-on courses with real-world projects motivated him to develop the Step-By-Step series of courses that follow a problem-solution-based approach, with practical and real-world application examples.

Ranga and his team at in28Minutes specialize in Java and related frameworks such as Spring, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Struts, and Hibernate. They are committed to equipping learners with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in today’s rapidly evolving technology landscape.

Table of contents

  1. Chapter 1 : Introduction
    1. Introduction
    2. How to Make Best use of the Course Guide?
    3. Installing Python and Launching Python Shell
  2. Chapter 2 : Introduction to Python Programming With Multiplication Table
    1. Step 01 - Getting Started with Programming
    2. Step 02 - Introduction to Multiplication Table challenge
    3. Step 03 - Break down Multiplication Table Challenge
    4. Step 04 - Python Expression - An Introduction
    5. Step 05 - Python Expression – Exercises
    6. Step 06 - Python Expression – Puzzles
    7. Step 07 - Printing output to console with Python
    8. Step 08 - Calling Functions in Python – Puzzles
    9. Step 09 - Advanced Printing output to console with Python
    10. Step 10 - Advanced Printing output to console with Python - Exercises and Puzzle
    11. Step 11 - Introduction to Variables in Python
    12. Step 12 - Introduction to Variables in Python – Puzzles
    13. Step 13 - Assignment Statement
    14. Step 14 - Tip - Using formatted strings in print method
    15. Step 15 - Using For Loop to Print Multiplication Table
    16. Step 16 - Using For Loop in Python – Puzzles
    17. Step 17 - Using For Loop in Python – Exercises
    18. Step 18 - Getting Started with Programming - Revise all Terminology
  3. Chapter 3 : Introduction to Methods - Multiplication Table
    1. Step 00 - Section 02 - Methods - An Introduction
    2. Step 01 - Your First Python Method - Hello World Twice and Exercise Statements
    3. Step 02 - Introduction to Python Methods – Exercises
    4. Step 03 - Introduction to Python Methods - Arguments and Parameters
    5. Step 04 - Introduction to Python Method Parameters – Exercises
    6. Step 05 - Introduction to Python Method - Multiple Parameters
    7. Step 06 - Getting back to Multiplication Table - Creating a method
    8. Step 07 - Tip - Indentation is king
    9. Step 08 - Introduction to Python Method - Puzzles - Named Parameters
    10. Step 09 - Introduction to Python Method - Return Values
    11. Step 10 - Introduction to Python Method - Return Values – Exercises
  4. Chapter 4 : Introduction to Python Platform
    1. Step 01 - Writing and Executing your First Python Script
    2. Step 02 - Python Virtual Machine and bytecode
  5. Chapter 5 : Introduction to PyCharm
    1. Step 01 - Installing and Introduction to PyCharm
    2. Step 02 - Write and Execute a Python File with PyCharm
    3. Step 03 - Execise - Write Multiplication Table Method with PyCharm
    4. Step 04 - Debugging Code with PyCharm
    5. Step 05 - PyCharm Tips: Tool Windows
    6. Step 06 - PyCharm Tips: Keyboard Shortcuts
  6. Chapter 6 : Basic Numeric Data Types and Conditional Execution
    1. Step 01 - Introduction to Numeric Data Types
    2. Step 02 - Exercise - Calculate Simple Interest
    3. Step 03 - Introduction to Numeric Data Types – Puzzles
    4. Step 04 - Introduction to Boolean Data Type
    5. Step 05 - Introduction to If Condition
    6. Step 06 - Introduction to If Condition – Exercises
    7. Step 07 - Logical Operators - and or not
    8. Step 08 - Logical Operators - and or not – Puzzles
    9. Step 09 - Introduction to If Condition - else and elif
    10. Step 10 - if, else and elif - Menu Exercise - Part 1
    11. Step 11 - if, else and elif - Menu Exercise - Part 2
    12. Step 12 - if, else and elif – Puzzles
  7. Chapter 7 : Text in Python
    1. Step 01 - Text in Python - Methods in str class
    2. Step 02 - Data Type Conversion – Puzzles
    3. Step 03 - Strings are immutable
    4. Step 04 - There is no separate Character data type
    5. Step 05 - String module
    6. Step 06 - Exercise - is vowel, print lower case and upper case characters
    7. Step 07 - String - Exercises and Puzzles
    8. Step 08 - String – Conclusion
  8. Chapter 8 : Python Loops
    1. Step 01 - For loop basics
    2. Step 02 - For loop exercise 1 - is_prime
    3. Step 03 - For loop exercise 2 - sum_upto_n
    4. Step 04 - For loop exercise 3 - sum of divisors
    5. Step 05 – For loop exercise 4 - print a number triangle
    6. Step 06 - Introduction to while loop in Python
    7. Step 07 - While loop – Exercises
    8. Step 08 - Choosing a Loop - Menu Exercise
    9. Step 09 - Loops - Puzzles - break and continue
  9. Chapter 9 : Python Tips for Beginners
    1. Tip 1 - Using Predefined Python Modules
    2. Tip 2 - Loop - Getting Index Element
    3. Tip 3 - Short hand If Statement
    4. Tip 4 - Python is Strongly Typed and Dynamic Language
    5. Tip 4 - Beginners Mistakes – Shadowing
    6. Tip 5 - Beginners Mistakes – Indentation
    7. Tip 6 - PEP8 - Python Style Guide
    8. Tip 7 - PEP20 - Zen of Python
  10. Chapter 10 : Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
    1. Step 00 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - Section Overview
    2. Step 01 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming – Basics
    3. Step 02 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - Terminology - Class, Object
    4. Step 03 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - Exercise - Online Shopping
    5. Step 04 - First Class and Object - Country class
    6. Step 05 - Create Motor Bike Python Class and a couple of objects
    7. Step 06 - Class and Objects - a few Puzzles
    8. Step 07 - Constructor for MotorBike class
    9. Step 08 - Constructor for Book class – Exercise
    10. Step 09 - Constructors – Puzzles
    11. Step 10 - Class and Objects - Methods and Behavior
    12. Step 11 - Exercise - Enhance Book class with copies
    13. Step 12 - Class and Objects - Methods and Behavior - Puzzles on self
    14. Step 13 - Advantages of Encapsulation
    15. Step 14 - Everything is Object in Python
  11. Chapter 11 : Python Data Structures
    1. Step 01 - Python Data Structures - Why do we need them?
    2. Step 02 - Operations on List Data Structure
    3. Step 03 - Exercise with List - Student class
    4. Step 04 - Puzzles with Strings Lists
    5. Step 05 - List Slicing
    6. Step 06 - List Sorting, Looping and Reversing
    7. Step 07 - List as a Stack and Queue
    8. Step 08 - List with a custom class - Country and representation
    9. Step 08 - List with a custom class - Part 2 - sorting, max and min
    10. Step 09 - List Comprehension
    11. Step 10 - Introduction to Set
    12. Step 11 - Introduction to Dictionary
    13. Step 12 - Exercise with Dictionary - Word and Character Occurrences
    14. Step 13 - Puzzles with Data Structures
    15. Step 14 – Tuples
  12. Chapter 12 : Object Oriented Programming Again
    1. Step 01 - OOPS Basics Revised
    2. Step 02 - Designing a Fan Class
    3. Step 03 - Object Composition - Book and Reviews
    4. Step 04 - Why do we need Inheritance
    5. Step 05 - All classes in Python 3 inherit from object
    6. Step 06 - Multiple Inheritance
    7. Step 07 - Creating and Using an Abstract Class
    8. Step 08 - Template Method Pattern with Recipe Class
    9. Step 09 - A Quick Revision
  13. Chapter 13 : Error Handling with Python
    1. Step 01 - Introduction to Error Handling - Your Thought Process during Error Handling
    2. Step 02 - Basics of Exception Hierarchy
    3. Step 03 - Basics of Error Handling - try except
    4. Step 04 - Handling Multiple Errors with Multiple except blocks
    5. Step 05 - Error Handling - Puzzles - Exception Details
    6. Step 06 - Error Handling - finally and else
    7. Step 07 - Error Handling - Puzzles 2
    8. Step 08 - Raising Exceptions
    9. Step 09 - Raising Custom Exceptions
  14. Chapter 14 : A Few More Python Tips
    1. Tip 1 - Math Module and Decimal Class
    2. Tip 2 - Statistics Module - find mean and median
    3. Tip 3 - Collections Module - deque for Queue and Stack
    4. Tip 4 - Date Module
    5. Tip 5 - Methods and Arguments – Basics
    6. Tip 6 - Methods and Arguments - Keyword Arguments
    7. Tip 7 - Methods and Arguments - Unpacking Lists and Dictionaries
    8. Tip 8 - Creating Custom Modules and Using Them
    9. Tip 9 - Defining Equality for Classes
    10. Tip 10 – None
  15. Chapter 15 : Thank You and Congratulations
    1. Congratulations

Product information

  • Title: Python Programming for Beginners - Learn in 100 Easy Steps
  • Author(s): In28Minutes Official
  • Release date: January 2019
  • Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781838556563