Book description
Acquire knowledge of quantum chemistry concepts, the postulates of quantum mechanics, and the foundations of quantum computing, and execute illustrations made with Python code, Qiskit, and open-source quantum chemistry packages
Key Features
- Be at the forefront of a quest for increased accuracy in chemistry applications and computing
- Get familiar with some open source quantum chemistry packages to run your own experiments
- Develop awareness of computational chemistry problems by using postulates of quantum mechanics
Book Description
Explore quantum chemical concepts and the postulates of quantum mechanics in a modern fashion, with the intent to see how chemistry and computing intertwine. Along the way you’ll relate these concepts to quantum information theory and computation. We build a framework of computational tools that lead you through traditional computational methods and straight to the forefront of exciting opportunities. These opportunities will rely on achieving next-generation accuracy by going further than the standard approximations such as beyond Born-Oppenheimer calculations.
Discover how leveraging quantum chemistry and computing is a key enabler for overcoming major challenges in the broader chemical industry. The skills that you will learn can be utilized to solve new-age business needs that specifically hinge on quantum chemistry
What you will learn
- Understand mathematical properties of the building blocks of matter
- Run through the principles of quantum mechanics with illustrations
- Design quantum gate circuit computations
- Program in open-source chemistry software packages such as Qiskit®
- Execute state-of-the-art-chemistry calculations and simulations
- Run companion Jupyter notebooks on the cloud with just a web browser
- Explain standard approximations in chemical simulations
Who this book is for
Professionals interested in chemistry and computer science at the early stages of learning, or interested in a career of quantum computational chemistry and quantum computing, including advanced high school and college students. Helpful to have high school level chemistry, mathematics (algebra), and programming. An introductory level of understanding Python is sufficient to read the code presented to illustrate quantum chemistry and computing
Table of contents
- Quantum Chemistry and Computing for the Curious
- Foreword
- Contributors
- About the authors
- Acknowledgments
- About the reviewer
- Preface
Chapter 1: Introducing Quantum Concepts
- Technical requirements
- 1.1. Understanding the history of quantum chemistry and mechanics
- 1.2. Particles and matter
- 1.3. Quantum numbers and quantization of matter
1.4. Light and energy
- Planck constant and relation
- The de Broglie wavelength
- Heisenberg uncertainty principle
- Energy levels of atoms and molecules
- Hydrogen spectrum
- Rydberg constant and formula
- Electron configuration
- Schrödinger's equation
- Probability density plots of the wave functions of the electron in a hydrogen atom
- 1.5. A brief history of quantum computation
- 1.6. Complexity theory insights
- Summary
- Questions
- References
- Chapter 2: Postulates of Quantum Mechanics
Chapter 3: Quantum Circuit Model of Computation
- Technical requirements
- 3.1. Qubits, entanglement, Bloch sphere, Pauli matrices
- 3.2. Quantum gates
- 3.3. Computation-driven interference
3.4. Preparing a permutation symmetric or antisymmetric state
- 3.4.1. Creating random states
- 3.4.2. Creating a quantum circuit and initializing qubits
- 3.4.3. Creating a circuit that swaps two qubits with a controlled swap gate
- 3.4.4. Post selecting the control qubit until the desired state is obtained
- 3.4.5. Examples of final symmetrized and antisymmetrized states
- References
Chapter 4: Molecular Hamiltonians
- Technical requirements
- 4.1. Born-Oppenheimer approximation
- 4.2. Fock space
- 4.3. Fermionic creation and annihilation operators
- 4.4. Molecular Hamiltonian in the Hartree-Fock orbitals basis
- 4.5. Basis sets
- 4.6. Constructing a fermionic Hamiltonian with Qiskit Nature
- 4.7. Fermion to qubit mappings
- 4.8. Constructing a qubit Hamiltonian operator with Qiskit Nature
- Summary
- Questions
- References
- Chapter 5: Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) Algorithm
- Chapter 6: Beyond Born-Oppenheimer
- Chapter 7: Conclusion
- Chapter 8: References
- Chapter 9:Glossary
Appendix A: Readying Mathematical Concepts
- Technical requirements
- Notations used
Mathematical definitions
- Pauli exclusion principle (PEP) #
- Angular momentum quantum number #
- Occupation number operator #
- Quantum Phase Estimation (QPE) #
- Complex numbers
- Vector space
- Linear operators
- Matrices
- Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
- Vector and matrix transpose, conjugate, and conjugate transpose
- Dirac's notation #
- Inner product of two vectors
- Norm of a vector
- Hilbert space
- Matrix multiplication with a vector
- Matrix addition
- Matrix multiplication
- Matrix inverse
- Tensor product
- Kronecker product or tensor product of matrices or vectors
- Kronecker sum
- Outer product
- Hermitian operator
- Unitary operator
- Density matrix #
- Pauli matrices
- Anti-commutator #
- Anti-commutation #
- Commutator
- Total wave function #
- References
- Appendix B: Leveraging Jupyter Notebooks on the Cloud
- Appendix C: Trademarks
- Other Books You May Enjoy
Product information
- Title: Quantum Chemistry and Computing for the Curious
- Author(s):
- Release date: May 2022
- Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
- ISBN: 9781803243900
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