14.1. An Example Template: Hello, World

Listing 14.1 is a XUL document containing a trivial template that implements “hello, world” one more time.

Listing 14.1. XUL application showing "hello, world" use of template technology.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<window xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul">

  <vbox datasources="test.rdf" ref="urn:test:seqroot">
         value="Content: rdf:http://www.example.org/Test#Data"/>


From the listing, the template system consists of its own tags, like <template>, and special-purpose attributes like ref that are added to other tags. Mozilla provides several syntax options for rules that make up the template query system. In this example, ...

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