

Abstract step, 142
communication activities and, 151t
creating, in activities, 149-150
for following up activities, 152t
Activity, 142
abstract step creation in, 149-150
abstract steps for following up, 152t
adding, 147f, 148f
chunks of one, 146-147
creating, 151t
identifying interests in, 150-151
Affinity diagrams, 23
adding Blue labels in, 169-170
building process, 160-166
CDTools in, 162, 164, 174, 179
column building in, 166-167
defining, 160
design ideas and, 201f
final steps in building, 178
green labels in, 173-174
individual notes in, 167
introducing building process, 164-165
key concepts of, 160
label hierarchy, 161f
listing key issues from, 202
managing people while building, 165
note grouping in, 167-168
note placement in, ...

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