Subject Index




A. C. Nielsen Company, 139142, 165, 258, 364, 394, see also Ratings

Abbott, Bud, 324

Abject humiliation, 277278

Accelerated flow, 89

Action/adventure shows, 404, 408

Actualism, 412419

Ad hoc networks, 164166

Addams, Charles, 18 (pic)

Advertising, 139142

and celebrating celebrity, 68

and children's programming, 439440

and product placement, 166167

and soap operas, 365, 367

and sole sponsorship, 149154

and sports programming, 230231, 258

and the quiz show scandal, 150154

Affiliation switches, 135, 217, 246

Age of the Geek, 39

Agenda setting, 33

and “Murphy Brown,” 35

Albert, Eddie, 330

Alexander, Jason, 42 (pic), ...

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