How to do it...

  1. First, we need to install the react-native-hockeyapp module in our application. Open the Terminal, go to your application's root project directory, and enter the following command:
        npm install react-native-hockeyapp --save
  1. Go into your ios/ directory and initialize your Podfile:
        pod init
  1. Open your Podfile and add pod "HockeySDK" to your target.
  2. Back in the Terminal, install the Podfile, as follows:
        pod install
  1. Now, let's open up Xcode and open our React Native project: (ios/TestDeployApp.xcodeproj).
  2. I recommend changing your Bundle Identifier to something more meaningful than the default, so please change it in your General Settings dialog, as follows:
  1. Drag and drop ./ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj into the Libraries ...

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