Chapter 20

Answers and Explanations to Practice Exam One

All right! You’re just minutes away from finding out how well you did on the practice exam in Chapter 19. Give yourself one point for each correct answer, and add up your total score.

Find the range that corresponds to your score in the following list:

  • Between 90 and 100: Congratulations! You’re on your way to your first million as a real estate agent.
  • Between 80 and 90: Take a breath, pat yourself on the back, and keep reviewing the material so you don’t forget what you’ve already picked up.
  • Between 75 and 80: Too close for comfort. Check out your weakest areas, section by section, and review the corresponding chapters again, using the review questions at the end of each chapter for practice. If you got more than half of the questions wrong in any one section, that’s a good indication you need more work with that chapter.
  • Below 75: Don’t be discouraged. The difference between this score and a higher one is time, and that time needs to be spent with this book. Check out your weakest areas in the exam, review the corresponding chapters, do the review questions at the end of each chapter, and try this exam again and the next three. By the way, I’ve chosen 75 percent as the passing grade, though your state may use a different one.

State specific Don’t forget that no matter how well you did on this exam, the information here is general ...

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