Book description
The presence and use of real-time systems is becoming increasingly common. Examples of such systems range from nuclear reactors, to automotive controllers, and also entertainment software such as games and graphics animation. The growing importance of rea
Table of contents
- Cover
- Title Page
- Contents
- List of Figures
- Preface
- 1. Introduction
2. Real-Time Task Scheduling
- 2.1 Some Important Concepts
- 2.2 Types of Real-Time Tasks and Their Characteristics
- 2.3 Task Scheduling
- 2.4 Clock-Driven Scheduling
- 2.5 Hybrid Schedulers
- 2.6 Event-Driven Scheduling
- 2.7 Earliest Deadline First (EDF) Scheduling
- 2.8 Rate Monotonic Algorithm (RMA)
- 2.9 Some Issues Associated with RMA
- 2.10 Issues in Using RMA in Practical Situations
- Summary
- Exercises
3. Handling Resource Sharing and Dependencies Among Real-Time Tasks
- 3.1 Resource Sharing Among Real-Time Tasks
- 3.2 Priority Inversion
- 3.3 Priority Inheritance Protocol (PIP)
- 3.4 Highest Locker Protocol (HLP)
- 3.5 Priority Ceiling Protocol (PCP)
- 3.6 Different Types of Priority Inversions Under PCP
- 3.7 Important Features of PCP
- 3.8 Some Issues in Using a Resource Sharing Protocol
- 3.9 Handling Task Dependencies
- Summary
- Exercises
- 4. Scheduling Real-Time Tasks in Multiprocessor and Distributed Systems
5. Commercial Real-Time Operating Systems
- 5.1 Time Services
- 5.2 Features of a Real-Time Operating System
- 5.3 Unix as a Real-Time Operating System
- 5.4 Unix-Based Real-Time Operating Systems
- 5.5 Windows as a Real-Time Operating System
- 5.6 POSIX
- 5.7 A Survey of Contemporary Real-Time Operating Systems
- 5.8 Benchmarking Real-Time Systems
- Summary
- Exercises
6. Real-Time Communication
- 6.1 Examples of Applications Requiring Real-Time Communication
- 6.2 Basic Concepts
- 6.3 Real-Time Communication in a LAN
- 6.3.1 LAN Architectures
- 6.4 Soft Real-Time Communication in a LAN
- 6.5 Hard Real-Time Communication in a LAN
- 6.6 Bounded Access Protocols for LANs
- 6.7 Performance Comparison
- 6.8 Real-Time Communication Over Packet Switched Networks
- 6.9 QoS Framework
- 6.10 Routing
- 6.11 Resource Reservation
- 6.12 Rate Control
- 6.13 QoS Models
- Summary
- Exercises
- 7. Real-Time Databases
- Bibliography
- Glossary
- Copyright
Product information
- Title: Real-Time Systems
- Author(s):
- Release date: September 2006
- Publisher(s): Pearson India
- ISBN: 9788131770764
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