Chapter 6. Using Typeclasses

Typeclasses are among the most powerful features in Haskell. They allow us to define generic interfaces that provide a common feature set over a wide variety of types. Typeclasses are at the heart of some basic language features such as equality testing and numeric operators. Before we talk about what exactly typeclasses are, though, we’d like to explain the need for them.

The Need for Typeclasses

Let’s imagine that for some unfathomable reason, the designers of the Haskell language neglected to implement the equality test ==. Once you get over your shock at hearing this, you resolve to implement your own equality tests. Your application consists of a simple Color type, and so your first equality test is for this type. Your first attempt might look like this:

-- file: ch06/naiveeq.hs
data Color = Red | Green | Blue

colorEq :: Color -> Color -> Bool
colorEq Red   Red   = True
colorEq Green Green = True
colorEq Blue  Blue  = True
colorEq _     _     = False

You can test this with ghci:

ghci> :load naiveeq.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( naiveeq.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
ghci> colorEq Red Red
ghci> colorEq Red Green

Now, let’s say that you want to add an equality test for Strings. Since a Haskell String is a list of characters, we can write a simple function to perform that test. For simplicity, we cheat a bit and use the == operator here to illustrate:

-- file: ch06/naiveeq.hs stringEq :: [Char] -> [Char] -> Bool -- Match if both are empty stringEq ...

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