# (hash symbol) in jQuery selectors, 29

$ (dollar sign) in jQuery, 29

() (parentheses) in jQuery selectors, 29

. (period) in jQuery selectors, 30

@ (at symbol) for server-side code, 9


accelerometer, 229231

acceptance criteria (business features), 491492

Acid tests, 145

act (or action) section (unit testing), 573

Action methods, 1112, 25

actions (PickBranch activity), 408

Active Directory Federation Services 2 (ADFS 2), 340

Activity abstract base class (WF 4), 410412

ActivityFunc activity (WF 4), 395396

actor/agent, parallel programming and, 380

AddAttributesToRender method (Button class), 97

ADO.NET Entity Framework (EF), 429430

AggregateException (TPL), 363

Agile Manifesto for software development, 567

Ajax, CDN capability and, 56

alarms, creating, 239

antecedents (continuations), 372

AntiCSRF module, 83

AntiForgeryToken helper, 83

AppFabric (Windows)

Caching, 328

hosting workflows inside, 423424

Application class (Silverlight app), 147148

application model (Mango), 235241

background file transfer, 240241

Fast Application Switching (FAS), 235237

multitasking, 237239

notifications, 239240

Application_Error event handler, 95


application settings, defined, 165

protecting against session fixation attacks, 8990

testing against hijacking of ASP.NET sessions, 8485

testing against session hijacking, 8485

appointments (Mango), 243244

App.Xaml and App.Xaml.cs files, 147

ArchitectNow, 222

arguments and variables (WF 4), 393394

ASP (Active Server Pages), ...

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