Extending XHTML with a Driver DTD

So far, I've extended XHTML by adding elements and attributes to a DTD. You can also create a driver DTD to do the same thing (in fact, the W3C is working on creating schemas for XHTML as well as DTDs). A driver DTD does not contain any DTD declarations except for parameter entities. The parameter entities are what you use to include other DTD sections, creating one combined DTD.

For example, I can create a new DTD, ch17_22.dtd, with this new XHTML element:

Listing . ch17_22.dtd
<!ELEMENT underlinedredtext (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST underlinedredtext underlinedredtextattribute CDATA #IMPLIED >

Now I can put together a new driver DTD that includes both ch17_22.dtd and the XHTML 1.0 transitional DTD, like this:

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