re•ver•ber•ate \ri-‘vər-bə-rāt\ vb - to resound in or as if in a series of echoes1

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

LET'S TALK ABOUT a technique to enhance collaboration and to strengthen teams even further than we have before. This starts with an approach to ideas. From there, I want us to think about how to build engagement with others. Creating space for all of that starts with two words.

I strive to be about possibility. I work to make it my default mode. I often fall short, and even have a running joke about it with a friend in which I say my mantra is “You win some, you lose…all the rest.” But when I am starting to feel discouraged, confused, or even hopeless, I kickstart a feeling of possibility through two simple words. These are two words that I said to my brother (yes, Darryl the lunatic with his Big Wheel) a few years ago. At the time, I said the two words to be funny, but since then they have become a mantra of sorts.

Darryl was visiting me in Seattle from where he was living in New York. We drove out to eastern Washington so he could see how geographically vast this state really is. We have rainforests, alpine mountains, cities, and miles upon miles of essentially flat sagebrush desert. I wanted to show him those vast expanses, so we took a long drive.

When we got to where we were going, which by all accounts wasn't really a destination as much as it was a somewhere that didn't appear on a map, he wanted to buy a ...

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