23Online Education Goes Viral – A Phantom Over Mental Peace

Lovleen Gupta1, Srishti Jain2* and Abhin Narula3

1Department of Commerce, Hindu College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India

2Department of Commerce, Motilal Nehru College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India

3Delhi High Court, Delhi, India


‘Online delivery of education’ in the present stint of pandemic caused by pernicious virus called n-COVID-19 is the need of the hour. India has a large number of students enrolled in schools and higher education institutions. This study revolves around the theme of detrimental impact of distance learning on mental peace of the students. Structured questionnaire has been floated and analyzed through structured equation model framework. Various variables have been selected to gauge the impact on the mental peace or stress of the students. The findings suggest that students are satisfied with the online learning framework as it reduces their mental stress. However, they are well aware about the disadvantages of distance learning, the biggest of all being the lack in development of personality and social interactions. It is suggested that a planned exercise should have been initiated. For the children facing difficulties in following the new schemata, one-on-one attention by a dedicated mentor and live doubt solving sessions can be arranged for a personalized learning journey.

Keywords: Distance learning, mental peace, students, COVID-19, online education, mental health

23.1 Introduction ...

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