Video description
Although introduced academically decades ago, the recent developments in the field of reinforcement learning have been phenomenal. Domains such as self-driving cars, natural language processing, healthcare industry, online recommender systems, and so on have already seen how RL-based AI agents can bring tremendous gains.
This course will help you get started with reinforcement learning first by establishing the motivation for this field and then covering all the essential topics, such as Markov Decision Processes, policy and rewards, model-free learning, temporal difference learning, and so on.
Each topic is accompanied by exercises and complementing analysis to help you gain practical and tangible coding skills.
By the end of this course, not only will you have gained the necessary understanding to implement RL in your projects but also implemented an actual Frozenlake project using the OpenAI Gym toolkit.
What You Will Learn
- Understand the motivation for reinforcement learning
- Understand all the elements of a Markov Decision Process
- Learn how to model uncertainty of the environments
- Solve Markov Decision Processes
- Implement temporal difference learning and Q-learning in Python
- Execute the Frozenlake project using the OpenAI Gym toolkit
This course is designed for beginners in the field of data science and machine learning. Anyone who wants to learn RL and apply it in realistic projects would benefit from this course.
About The Author
AI Sciences: AI Sciences are experts, PhDs, and artificial intelligence practitioners, including computer science, machine learning, and Statistics. Some work in big companies such as Amazon, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, KPMG, BCG, and IBM.
AI sciences produce a series of courses dedicated to beginners and newcomers on techniques and methods of machine learning, statistics, artificial intelligence, and data science. They aim to help those who wish to understand techniques more easily and start with less theory and less extended reading. Today, they publish more comprehensive courses on specific topics for wider audiences.
Their courses have successfully helped more than 100,000 students master AI and data science.
Table of contents
- Chapter 1 : Introduction to Course and Instructor
- Chapter 2 : Motivation Reinforcement Learning
- Chapter 3 : Terminology of Reinforcement Learning
- Chapter 4 : GridWorld Example
Chapter 5 : Markov Decision Process Prerequisites
- Probability
- Probability 2
- Probability 3
- Conditional Probability
- Conditional Probability Fun Example
- Joint Probability
- Joint probability 2
- Joint probability 3
- Expected Value
- Conditional Expectation
- Modeling Uncertainty of Environment
- Modeling Uncertainty of Environment 2
- Modeling Uncertainty of Environment 3
- Modeling Uncertainty of Environment Stochastic Policy
- Modeling Uncertainty of Environment Stochastic Policy 2
- Modeling Uncertainty of Environment Value Functions
- Running Averages
- Running Averages 2
- Running Averages as Temporal Difference
- Activity
- Chapter 6 : Elements of Markov Decision Process
- Chapter 7 : More on Reward
Chapter 8 : Solving Markov DP
- MDP Recap
- Value Functions
- Optimal Value Function
- Optimal Policy
- Bellman Equation
- Value Iteration
- Value Iteration Quiz
- Value Iteration Quiz Gamma Missing
- Value Iteration Solution
- Problems of Value Iteration
- Policy Evaluation
- Policy Evaluation 2
- Policy Evaluation 3
- Policy Evaluation d Form Solution
- Policy Iteration
- State Action Values
- V and Q Comparisons
- Chapter 9 : Value Approximation
- Chapter 10 : Temporal Differencing - Q Learning
- Chapter 11 : TD Lambda
- Chapter 12 : Project Frozenlake (Open AI Gym)
Product information
- Title: Reinforcement Learning with Python Explained for Beginners
- Author(s):
- Release date: February 2021
- Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
- ISBN: 9781801072274
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