


aesthetic(s) 27, 80, 85, 117, 119, 123, 204, 2323; theory 910; age; viewing category 13, 38; see also class; elderly

Allen, Robert 6, 11, 4455, 123, 232, 237

America: soap opera in 304, 48, 51, 11617, 22442; see also cultural imperialism; Dallas

Ang, Ien 4, 5, 6, 11, 27, 30, 31, 34, 96115, 117, 124, 232, 242

Archers, The1889

audience/viewer(s) 132; active/passive 14, 1617, 889, 101, 1626, 167, 217; attention/interest 27, 35, 161, 224; criticism/analysis 12, 52, 1245, 20422; and genre 4455, 217; and live television 11, 7995; and meanings 2, 601, 62; and media use/resistance/adaption 1617, 75; roles of 8, 61, 62, 82, 889, 98, 101, 217; studies 45, 814, 1643, 49, 96115, 121, 123, 2256; and text 12, 19, 24, 56

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