


Aberdeen Asset Management, 153

Affordable Care Act (ACA), 230

American Cancer Society, 106

American International Group (AIG), 255256

Aon, 151

Apple Inc. (AAPL), 267, 278


CEO, 65

Eichenwald writes, 71

garage-built hardware product, 65

IBM marketing muscle, 69

innovation powerhouse, 70

iPad mini, 64

iPhone and iPad, 69

Microsoft, 69

MVP, 71

proven model, 66

recruiting engaged employees, 6768

reputational value, 283

retail employees, 66, 67

retaining engaged employees, 6869

sales, corporate and administrative costs, 71

Super Bowl, 66

tablet computer, 64, 65

Asset protection

corporate reputation value, 174

reputation protection ...

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