Chapter 8

The Sixth Pillar: Belonging to a Community or Team


check Determining how community supports resilience

check Knowing why human beings need to belong

check Recognizing the importance of good leadership

check Identifying what it takes to build a resilient community

All humans have an intrinsic need and motivation to belong, according to psychologists. Everyone desires acceptance, attention, support, and connection, and this desire influences your behavior, beliefs, and even your values. It affects what you might do to conform to gain acceptance, how you might see yourself in comparison to others, and how you might want to be seen. The stronger your sense of belonging, the stronger your chances are of being resilient.

Feeling like you belong stimulates dopamine reward systems in the brain, which is what propels intrinsic motivation, according to neuroscientists. These same reward centers are stimulated when you feel excitement from doing something you enjoy — or when you become addicted to a substance. Indeed, there are many rewards when it comes to feeling like you belong to a community ...

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