Chapter 3
Making Basic Decisions about Your RFID System
In This Chapter
Examining the three areas impacted by RFID
Considering different frequencies
Weighting your performance criteria
Considering how the tagged products work with the system
D eploying an RFID network is a little bit like farting in church: It has specific impact for one person, it affects everyone else around that person, but not everyone is going to stand up and say how they feel about it. The difference is that, if you plan things correctly, your RFID deployment can be a big hit with everyone — if you figure out how to make that happen with a fart, let me know.
To make your RFID deployment successful, you need to consider all the stakeholders and understand the different areas impacted by a new RFID network before you start putting systems up around your facility. This chapter walks you through the basic decisions and assessments you need to make your deployment a success.
First, I explain how to examine the ...
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