
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively.


σ-algebra, 35–36, 36, 123–124, 125
Alternative interest rate processes, 265–270
bond pricing and yield curve with CIR, 267–269
Cox–Ingersoll–Ross model (CIR), 266–267
Merton model, 265–266
yield curve modeling, 269–270
American calls, modeling, 230–231
continuous, 107–109
growing, 69–71, 71, 109
and perpetuities, 70–71
Antidifferentiation, 22
Arbitrage, 2
and no arbitrage, 75–78, 84–86
no-arbitrage bond markets, 75–76
pricing bonds, 76–77
pricing kernel, 78, 85–86
Arbitrage portfolio, creating, 79–80
Arbitrage pricing, 165
Arithmetic Brownian motion, 153–154, 155
interest rates and, 248
Arithmetic return over time, 201
Arrow–Debreu (pure) security ...

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