Chapter 20. mod_perl

The mod_perl module embeds a Perl interpreter inside the Apache Web server. This enables access to the Apache API from the Perl scripting language. In this hour, you will

  • Learn how to download, build, and configure mod_perl

  • Discover the capabilities of mod_perl 2.0 and compare it to previous versions based on Apache 1.3

  • Learn how mod_perl extension modules such as Apache::ASP work, and how to run sample code that uses them

What Is mod_perl?

This commercial ran in the 1980s: Two dorks are walking opposing paths, each engrossed in his treat-eating endeavor. One is eating a chocolate candy bar; the other, a jar of peanut butter. They collide and are incensed that one's chocolate bar is in the jar of peanut butter, and peanut butter ...

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