Sending Emails with Attachments
Sending emails with attachments is simply a matter of creating a multi-part email. The first part will be the email itself and subsequent parts will be the attachments. Each attachment will be MIME encoded so that binary, as well as textual, data can be sent with the message. Listing 11.5 shows an example of a multi-part email with a MIME header and footer that identifies the attached part of the message.
Listing 11.5. Email with MIME Attachment
Return-Path: <agency@localhost> Received: from localhost ([]) by XXXX (JAMES SMTP Server 2.1) with SMTP ID 788 for <juliet@localhost>; Thu, 8 Jan 2004 10:04:33 +0000 (GMT) Message-ID: <12014584.1073556273610.JavaMail.xx@XXXX> From: agency To: juliet@localhost ... |
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