accepting friend requests, 28–30
creating, 13–15
deleting, 20
adding friends, 25–27
from Facebook/Twitter, 16–17
Adventurer badge, 56
American Eagle Outfitters, 92
analytics, checking, 86
Android-based phones, Foursquare mobile applications, 38–39
APIs (application programming interfaces), 32
avatars, 15
Aveda Institute Vancouver, 91
Adventurer, 56
brand badges, 94
defined, 7
earning, 56
explained, 53–55
list of, 55
Local, 56
special event badges, 58–59
Swarm, 57–58
TRANSIT Champion, 54
BlackBerry, Foursquare mobile applications, 37–38
brand badges, 94
Breikss, Chris, 8
Brightkite, 104
benefits from Foursquare, 83
brand badges, 94
specials and offers
check-in specials, 87–90
examples, 91–93
explained, 87 ...
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