assigning function results to macro
variables 146
avoiding nested macro definitions 145
centrally storing autocall macros 148
efficiency in perspective 144
MSYMTABMAX= system option and
MVARSIZE= system option and 148
name style macros 145
resetting macro variables to null 148
stored compiled macro facility and 147
storing long macro variable values 149
turning off system options 147
wise use of macros 144
macros, portable 143, 150
%SYSFUNC and 150
automatic variables with host-specific
values 151
host-specific macro variables 155
macro language elements with system
dependencies 154
naming macros and external files for
autocall facility 156
maintenance level 233, 234
markup tags
removing from titles 312
masking 8, 82, 185, 186, 187
deciding how much text to mask 93
referring to already quoted variables 92
summary of 96
unmasking 292
masking functions
%BQUOTE 91, 260
%NRBQUOTE 91, 260
%NRQUOTE 264, 266
%NRSTR 87, 265, 272
%QUOTE 266
%STR 87, 272
MAUTOCOMPLOC system option 357
MAUTOLOCINDES system option 358
MAUTOSOURCE system option 359
warning message 430
MCOMPILE system option 359
MCOMPILENOTE system option 360
MCOVERAGE system option
warning message 433
MCOVERAGE system options 361
MCOVERAGELOC= system option 365
warning message 433
amount available to symbol tables 380
maximum size for variable values stored
in 381
maximum size of macros executed 367
MERROR system option 365
displaying in macro windows 216
MEXECNOTE system option 366
MEXECSIZE system option 367
MFILE system option 368
error message 424
MINDELIMITER= system option 368
error message 425
MINOPERATOR system option 370
missing semicolons
open code recursion and 127
missing values
comparing in logical expressions 78
MLOGIC system option 371
tracing flow of execution with 136
MLOGICNEST system option 373
nesting information generated by 137
in macro variables 8
in passed parameters 84
masking 82, 87
quoting values that might contain 267
model text 9
MPRINT system option 375
examining generated SAS statements
routing output to external file 368, 376
storing output in external file 138
MPRINTNEST system option 376
nesting information generated by 138
MRECALL system option 378
MREPLACE system option 379
MSTORED option
error message 412, 422
MSTORED system option 379
MSYMTABMAX= system option 380
adjusting values for efficiency 148
MVARSIZE= system option 381
adjusting values for efficiency 148
name style macros 145
as tokens 17
batch jobs 213
external files, for autocall facility 156
host name 211
of most recently created data set 205
of procedure being processed 223
494 Index

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